- on crystaldawn's page
Fucking stalkers. Go away.
You know who you are.
Not interested.
You know who you are.
Not interested.
Ha ha, that's what I thought at first but when you hold a crested for the first time you'll fall in love. They're SO soft. Like velvet but squishy! Ok, your turn to post pics now.

Gees...someone's been having fun! Take a break and get some rest. (So says the girl who just got home from work with bronchitis, lol)
Yeah... whatever, I was bored without you.
I really cannot pass up a good deal.
I really cannot pass up a good deal.
Back allready?!

Well, I'm outta here. Time is getting short, girls are getting younger, interest is dwindling. It's been great chatting with some of you folks, and keep in touch!
I am on that evil myspace at crystaldawn75
I am on that evil myspace at crystaldawn75
Take care of you. And the critters!

Well, we're mostly moved. Far from unpacked. The house we moved into hasn't had people living in it for quite a while, so there's been some "reactivating the house" issues.... a minor gas leak, illegally vented hot water tank that needed to be replaced, now we've lost water pressure in the upstairs sink. Little things, to be expected. The house is so huge and awesome....
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We just had an AC/Heating guy come today to fix our heater which was working perfectly during the summer. It passed the home inspection with flying colors in May and on our first day with lows in the 40's, it won't start.
We could have sworn that we paid for the home warranty when we bought the house but it looks like our realter forgot to put it in the final contract. That's just how things work I guess. Isn't it funny that the first things you set up when you move in some place are the TVs and the computer? Just shows where our priorities lie. We made sure the internet and cable were working before we even moved in. Ok, so lots of pics when you have time. Oh and unpacking is highly over-rated!

Thank you! Give Atlas and Shredder a big hug for the birthday card for me. This was my first "grown-up" birthday. No cards in the mail, nothing to unwrap, no candles to blow out...just another day older. My mom even called on Friday so she didn't have to on Saturday. Ouch.
I'm still loving my job. It's been a bit slower than in the first week, and I'm finally getting a grasp on the different surgery setups and where everything is. I've never seen half of these instruments, and there's so many power tools and hoses and plates and screws, sometimes it feels more like a hardware store. I get to do fun things with the...
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Take a nice hot bath when you're done maybe it'll help. I could barely move the day after we moved. But screw paying someone $150 an hour to do it for me! I don't have anything planned for my b-day. We'll probably just go to dinner or something. I just spent (cough) a lot of money on these two geckos I got so that was my birthday present. Oh, and a Calphalon sauce pan.
Ya know, I didn't even think about candle light? Marvin Gaye is just a given though.
It's really far less romantic. Breeding season usually starts in January. Our geckos are all housed individually in rack systems so each girl will get a 12 hour conjugal visit with her male. There's about 4 females to every male. They do breed on their own when housed in colonies but we have to keep careful track of the genetics so everyone gets their own house. Each female will usually lay 2 eggs per clutch, 1 cluch every 15-20 days for the 4-5 month breeding season. But, the eggs have to incubate for 10-12 weeks. This concludes your lesson in leopard gecko breeding.
Hope U-haul moving went well!
It's really far less romantic. Breeding season usually starts in January. Our geckos are all housed individually in rack systems so each girl will get a 12 hour conjugal visit with her male. There's about 4 females to every male. They do breed on their own when housed in colonies but we have to keep careful track of the genetics so everyone gets their own house. Each female will usually lay 2 eggs per clutch, 1 cluch every 15-20 days for the 4-5 month breeding season. But, the eggs have to incubate for 10-12 weeks. This concludes your lesson in leopard gecko breeding.

So far my new job is pretty freaking cool. I'm exhausted... worked a 13 hour shift straight with no lunch, yesterday and today were only 11 hours. Tomorrow is going to be another long one. It seems like most of them have been full on spinal surgeries, which is really cool because I get to do things like hold tracheas out of the way and...
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Dog question. I cleaned Tommy's ears earlier, which REALLY upsets him. There's nothing wrong with his ears just routine cleaning. He always throws himself on the floor dramatically and rubs his face on the carpet but today was bad. I heard banging on the wall in the other room and came into find him beating his face against it and scratching one side of his face. It swole up so fast I could hardly believe it was only from his fit so I gave him a benadryl just in case it was a sting. I figured it would knock him out until we got home from the store but it obviously didn't. He must have been scratching it the whole time, his eye is completely swollen shut and his right nostril is swollen shut too. Half of his face is twice the size of the other. I just gave him half of a prednisolone and we're putting ice on it. Any other suggestions for getting the swelling down?
That's really good to know about the dosage for benadryl. I only gave him 1 - 25mg pill so no wonder it didn't knock him out. Gees, I can only take 1/2 of one! The swelling has gone down most of the way. Thanks goodness I had half of an emergency Prednisolone left. The vet gave them for Penny in case she OD'd on Lysodren. He's breathing fine now and starting to fall asleep...finally. I'd feel really sorry for him but he peed on my pillow for the 8th time yesterday. I was just going to buy another one until I found out it cost $130.
He only pees on my pillow, never the other 5 pillows on the bed.

I'm having major anxiety issues today. I didn't think it was anything in particular... just woke up in a funky-crawl-back-into-bed-and-cry-for-no-reason mood this morning. Through the power of my dog's xanax I was able to make it out for a small bday dinner, athough it was weird without some good friends who decided not to be good friends and also missing my sister who is stuck...
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Somebody wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!!!

Your welcome. If I had a video camera I would have recorded the whole hat ordeal and put it on you tube for ya. It was pretty funny! I tried to put it in the other dogs too but they weren't having it. Oh, and as soon as we get to S I'll name her Storm for you. I hope you have a wonderful first day at work.

Monday: Fired (mutual split) from the job that was sucking me dry.
Tuesday: Hired at the largest specialty practice in the area to work with "THE surgeon" that just shut down his own practice of 24 years to join their huge facility.
I love that karma.
Tuesday: Hired at the largest specialty practice in the area to work with "THE surgeon" that just shut down his own practice of 24 years to join their huge facility.
I love that karma.
Yea!!! I guess the job you really wanted is a pretty good birthday present. Congratulations and I hope you love this new place!

Ok you asked so...
Abigail, Betty, Chloe, Dilana, Eva, Fiona, Gabby, Holly, Iris, Juicy, Kelsey, Lainey, Margo, and Noe for the girls and Anthony, Beavis, Chance, and Dale for the boys. Shamefully I ordered another trio last night so I have to come up with an O and P girl name and an E boy name.
I let my man name a couple after his favorite TV personalities. Hint...one starts with a D (girl) and the other starts with a B (boy)
. He talkes to the boy in the Butthead voice sometimes which is rather amusing. Sometimes it's fun being married to a 12 year old, lol. Wow, that statement could be totally misconstrued with all of these teachers f'ing students these days. For the record, he's not actually 12. Anyway, we'll have our hands full in a few months. Oh, why couldn't you have just gotten the job at the exotics place? I had gecko defecation question that I needed answered! Oh well.
2 more days!
Abigail, Betty, Chloe, Dilana, Eva, Fiona, Gabby, Holly, Iris, Juicy, Kelsey, Lainey, Margo, and Noe for the girls and Anthony, Beavis, Chance, and Dale for the boys. Shamefully I ordered another trio last night so I have to come up with an O and P girl name and an E boy name.

2 more days!
The prospect of moving is exciting, and at the same time making me ill with anxiety.
Wow! It's funny how life changes so fast. Sometimes you need an explosion to get really get started in a new direction. I've had a couple short lived jobs where it seemed that I was the only one with ethics and it sucks. Everyone ends up hating you for being a good person...just rediculous. I hope you get the job at the exotics place. That way you can update with stories about monkey antics.
Oh, Peanut's cherry eye went away on it's own! Hooray! I kept putting off making that $300 sugical appointment and I guess my procrastination paid off. Good luck with the job and move!!

So somebody has a birthday coming up, eh? Anything exciting planned or just job hunting?
I thought it was funny that Ellen used Storm's Ellen panties as an excuse to touch her stomach. I would have done the same though. The midgets in my salsa class turned out not to be midgets at all. They're 5th graders who can actually dance. It means I actually have to prepare choreography to teach them. I guess it's time I finally have to earn my 60 bucks an hour damn it!
Leopard geckos are so easy to care for! They're not wall stickers or jumpers so you don't have to worry about them escaping from an enclosure that's only 8 inches tall. They're carnivores which is the only disadvantage in my opinion, because you have to feed then crickets or mealworms everyday. They don't require expensive full spectrum or UV lighting like most lizards. They don't bite or make noise. And last but not least they're going to make me $100 each per baby hopefully (1 F can produce 50 good eggs a month), so...they're pretty much perfect!

Shut up and take it like a man!
Yeah, I'm sure we'll be going in for eye surgery #3 soon. Luckilly we didn't have to pay for Tommy's cherry eyes, his breeder paid for them. I think it happened because I was about to call and make a dentist appointment for myself. I'm going to end up have gorgeous healthy dogs and no teeth eventually!
No, I still have to talk my realistic and budget conscience other half into letting me get one. So it may be a while! They're supposed to be 50 lbs fully grown. The lady that breeds the ones in the pictures is in Oregon (i think) and charges $1200 + shipping for them. But I found a breeder close to me that started breeding them out of her potbellies about 4 years ago and asks a more reasonable $500. I'd love to have a farm full of miniature livestock one day!

Hey, have you ever seen a chihuahua get a cherry eye? I just noticed that Peanut has what appears to be a cherry eye.
I had assumed that this only happens to bully type breeds.

argg...stupid pictures...