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Keep telling myself I'll blog here again. Suppose that means it's a good idea. Running a bar that has heavy social media presence means I don't have many corners of the internet I can just fucking scream to. And I'm bitter enough on facebook as it is.
The short of it is that after nearly a year of crazy hard work, I may be weeks...
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Sometimes I feel like a horse in the ring, running circules to be broken in. I know if I stop and trample the cunt with the whip I'll be considered wild and turned to dog food, and for now it's easier just to take the little bits of pain and keep running. But I can't go forever. Sooner or later I'll break, and I'll run...
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(Meg likes this)
My hair is long and curly now. Fate, it seems.
No, I don't believe in fate. But if you do, I can definitely get behind it.
Long, as in, shoulder length.
I just tried to find my flatmate to take photos of me, but he's nowhere. So I took a bunch of head shots. I'm going to email them to you, or load them onto my flickr if I can't ... no, I just found your email address. Stand by.
No, I don't believe in fate. But if you do, I can definitely get behind it.
Long, as in, shoulder length.
I just tried to find my flatmate to take photos of me, but he's nowhere. So I took a bunch of head shots. I'm going to email them to you, or load them onto my flickr if I can't ... no, I just found your email address. Stand by.
Your artwork is really cool! I def see why you would be on SG, lots of interesting people on here!
About a month ago, I decided to seek counselling again.
Sorry, I hate to start a blog that way. What I'm trying to share is much more interesting and much less woe-is-me than that opening lets on. But that is where the story starts.
In my own words it was because I was sick of being stressed and angry all the time. It's been a...
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Sorry, I hate to start a blog that way. What I'm trying to share is much more interesting and much less woe-is-me than that opening lets on. But that is where the story starts.
In my own words it was because I was sick of being stressed and angry all the time. It's been a...
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I was sent to anger management as teenager. I've always said if you strip all the layers back with me, underneath it all I'm angry. I'm still yet to work out exactly why, I have a fair idea, but those issue are never going to leave me, so it's how I deal with them I guess. And how do I deal with them? I don't (though I do try). They just burst out every now and then. It's a rollercoaster and I just hang on. I've done years of shrinks and medication. But in the end, I'm always going to go up and down. Some of us (I believe) are just wired 'specially'). I would love to find inner peace, do you believe everyone is able to? If you find out, be sure to pass the info on.
I forgot to say, but at least you're trying to figure things out. That's the best any of us can do in life. So many poeple don't even bother. So yay for you. I hope you get there, even somewhat.
the god of war costume looks like a hectic costume!
Ah, good times..
It appears I need to re-establish some form of presence here. I'm running out of corners of the internet I can scream to without work hearing me.
So it turns out that if I don't change my billing information it's automatically deducted. Here I figured it'd nag me for renewal fees. Oh well, there are far worse things that could happen and I plan to make the most of this. Plus Dot is back. How good!
I've finally changed my profile picture too. I've been dreadless for over five months now. Tis...
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I've finally changed my profile picture too. I've been dreadless for over five months now. Tis...
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You can't deal with my infinite nature can you?
...That is so not true. Wait, what does that even mean?
...That is so not true. Wait, what does that even mean?
Of all the comments, two blogs long, I think yours hit home the most.
It's not about trying to be something better, it's about accepting yourself for who you are. Who I am.
Thank you for the belated comment.
See you soon, no doubt.
It's not about trying to be something better, it's about accepting yourself for who you are. Who I am.
Thank you for the belated comment.
See you soon, no doubt.

Chances are good I won't be around these parts much longer. I should start getting pestered to renew my membership sometime over the next month. I know I went through all this last year but I had a more reliable source of income then.
My main purpose on this site is it's almost bottomless supply of drawing reference images in a stack of styles. Newer...
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My main purpose on this site is it's almost bottomless supply of drawing reference images in a stack of styles. Newer...
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i think the no pooftas thing is a bit silly too, but apparently its from something like monty python or something, but ive never watched anything like that so it just seems kind of stupid
I thought it was a bit weird but then was pointed out a reference too. I left for a while and then came back, i dont really know my main reason for being on the site so hey at least you have one. Hope your drawings are going well and you find another muse x
I still exist.
I think.
Is my sense of being supposed to fluctuate like this?
I think.
Is my sense of being supposed to fluctuate like this?
Oh Ive seen your work before at Verve! I really do love your stuff! Keep up the good work.

That Joker one is friggin awesome. Stupid Copyright crap!lol