During my last journal I somehow managed to deviate a great deal from the topic I was trying to communicate. No matter. It gives me an opportunity to talk about it now. I wanted to specifically address the different abstract performances we did in my theatre class. So this one is pretty much for you Kevin. The rest of you readers, I suggest you go...
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I bring myself into a situation which I find difficult, yet amusing. I am forcing myself to write. I don't know what I am going to write about, I simply intend to have written approximately 1 to 2 pages when I am done, as was dictated to me as an assignment by my professor. I usually try to go into these journals with some sense...
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Now for a segment from animal kingdom! Or rather, just a silly story from the pet store. This one happened maybe a month ago, but I was just briefly reminded of it recently. I can't remeber if I had written about this one before, but if I have, here it is again for your reading pleasure.
For a while, we were having a problem with...
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For a while, we were having a problem with...
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Blast! It's been so long since I an updated. Blasted busy life.
Hmm, then again, I should be careful about what I curse. I think, despite all the stress and anxiety this life is causing me, I think I like it. I like to be busy. Don't get me wrong, taking a break is great. But if/when I get a genuine minute to myself, I...
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Hmm, then again, I should be careful about what I curse. I think, despite all the stress and anxiety this life is causing me, I think I like it. I like to be busy. Don't get me wrong, taking a break is great. But if/when I get a genuine minute to myself, I...
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Back on the board. Tis been a while since my last post. Then again, if your reviewing the number of times I post in a year, then this is extremely frequent even though it has been a few weeks since my last! But I digress, I must keep up with my postings as they are also viable piece of homework. How convenient.
Aside from my...
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Time was, my journal posts were the insightful ones. YOU STOLE IT! STOP SUCKING MY INSIGHT! You... You.... Insight leech!
More tales from the pet store: For the longest time we had a pair of adult rabbits at the pet store. Both mini rex, and in case you didn't know, when a rabbit has the word "mini" in it's name, it doesn't necessarily mean it is going to be tiny. The small baby rabbits always sell quickly because they are cute, fluffy and no one...
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I want a cute grey bunny now! Hurumph...
Ever thought of becoming a vet? That was my dream as a child.
BTW I'm his ^^^ friend.
Ever thought of becoming a vet? That was my dream as a child.
BTW I'm his ^^^ friend.
Ah, I am no vet. My fate as a theatre nerd has been sealed. I am just a pet store employe who doesn't get grossed out easily. Let me assure you, that isn't the worst thing I have seen there. But the grey bunny is terribly cute! I could put it in a box and have it sent to you!
And my dear friend above did tell me about you. Tis very nice to meet your aquintence.
And my dear friend above did tell me about you. Tis very nice to meet your aquintence.

Well, today is my birthday. I don't say this in a shallow attempt to attain happy birthday greetings, so don't feel obligated to do so. I am just attempting to write a journal entry, and that seemed like the best place to start. In all honesty, I was more focused on the work that needs doing an forget it was my birthday until I was...
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BLARG! I have returned to my previous mentioned attempt to keep a journal for class and general amusement! Why have I taken such a lengthy break from this process? Is it because I am lazy? On most days the answer to that question would be YES, but as of now it is NO GOD DAMN FREAKING WAY, CALL ME LAZY YOU JERK ASS!?!?!?!?!
Sorry, I...
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Sorry, I...
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Ah the blog. We have spent some time apart my friend but I have returned with some purpose in mind. A) I am supposed to be keeping some kind of reflective journal for a class of mine and B) a friend of mine has been nagging me to commence a regularly scheduled visit to the internet social scene. So I thought I might as well...
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Finaly! After what, two gift memberships I give you?
How about you do a play about Zombies? Or a post nuclear socioty. Oooorrr a jar of salsa that sat on my computer desk so long it developed hair... And a dance number?
How about you do a play about Zombies? Or a post nuclear socioty. Oooorrr a jar of salsa that sat on my computer desk so long it developed hair... And a dance number?
Join the SG Canada east group, you clod! Girls abound! Enjoy something about Ottawa whilst you can!