I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
-shel silverstein
Good old Shel.

I like your profile picture. biggrin
I love Shel love
I hate the word silly. :o) I do however like the word disingenuous.
I love lust.
It is such a great teacher.
those that preach against it seek to steal your power.
fight to keep lust in your heart and you will always keep your head.
Everybody dies, you may as well make the best of every moment.
I believe in true love.
I don't know who mine is yet.
I'm going to have fun looking for good ones.
MUsic: "I write the songs" -Barry Manilow

Mood: Patient

"you are now free to move about the cabin"

Every beggining tightrope walker needs a net.

Suicide girls has been great for that.

I like secret crushes.

my not so secret crushes include,

Siren, and another that already knows she has my heart.
anyone that figures out my secret had better not tell.

It ruins the joke.
*Twidling my thumbs is only entertaining for so long...

I need to get some real play in....
trust in truth:
my golden tooth
shows that my knowledge is imperfect and that I need help to understand and better my condition.
also provides hope that I will find honest, humble, and strong people.

trust in love:
my circumcision
shows that love can be misdirected.
also shows that love can triumph over pain.

trust in humanity:
my corvus tattoo
shows that people desire to...
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