I finally watched all of slc punk today. I've only seen a small part, I was under some type of influence, though I can't remember what it was anymore, and my friend kept talking to me so I was watching it, but hearing her, and eventually I was in a conversation.
After watching it I got an insane urge to dye my hair.
Soooo I'm...
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After watching it I got an insane urge to dye my hair.

Soooo I'm...
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SLC is a fun movie, but i always look at that guy and see the bad guy in that one Scream movie 

Yay for red hair! I'd love to see the pictures once you're done!
Well I'm back in IL. It's not SO bad.. but it can still kiss my ass.
I worked out HARD today for almost 2 hours. It felt really good. But I start my summer semester at college today. Fuck that. I hate it here. I remembered why.
But I'm listening to NIN "Sin" and remembering how amazing it was at the rave.
I worked out HARD today for almost 2 hours. It felt really good. But I start my summer semester at college today. Fuck that. I hate it here. I remembered why.
But I'm listening to NIN "Sin" and remembering how amazing it was at the rave.
so, if Im gathering things right over the past few entries, you hate IL because of college and lack of family?
What are you taking this summer?
Woo! I DID something today!
I watched the Kentucky Derby with my mom (and would have won a lot of money if I betted...) and then went with my friend Devin to get his pay check and then watched Rat Race with him. Later tonight I'll probably go back over and we'll continue to hang out.
But now, I'm going to eat my moms homemade...
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I watched the Kentucky Derby with my mom (and would have won a lot of money if I betted...) and then went with my friend Devin to get his pay check and then watched Rat Race with him. Later tonight I'll probably go back over and we'll continue to hang out.
But now, I'm going to eat my moms homemade...
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About a good wad of cash you would have won.
What would you do with all that $$$?

mmmm homemade noodles

Another nothing day ahead of me. Well maybe not.
I might hang out with my friend Devin today. I'll put a picture of him up for shits and giggles.
And for dinner me and my mom are going out to eat, and tomorrow she is taking me to a Milwaukee county park to walk around in the forests and stuff. I LOVE nature, and I...
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I might hang out with my friend Devin today. I'll put a picture of him up for shits and giggles.
And for dinner me and my mom are going out to eat, and tomorrow she is taking me to a Milwaukee county park to walk around in the forests and stuff. I LOVE nature, and I...
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im still shopping around for something for my mom, but i got a few ideas! i'll be gone that whole weekend so i wont see my mom either, so i gotta make it good! where will ya be on mother's day?
you should come to the Hell City Tattoo Fest that weekend!!!
New Pics up in my picture section.
Goodnight. It's only 11:40.
Goodnight. It's only 11:40.
p.s. I just read your fantasy. Through SG, I got to go backstage to NIN!
I'll update more later because, nothing has really happened yet today. I pissed the boy off, but thats not new.
HOWEVER, I want to get a new piercing but don't know what. And I'm waiting to get money so I can get my star tattoos from my hips down. Just along the hip bones.
Fuck... I'm so bored.
I was thinking of going camping this...
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HOWEVER, I want to get a new piercing but don't know what. And I'm waiting to get money so I can get my star tattoos from my hips down. Just along the hip bones.
Fuck... I'm so bored.
I was thinking of going camping this...
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you should still go camping, you wont find anything that size in north america
Ah, go camping. Unless your destination is Peru (and not likely then if you were hiking anyplace pleasant) you'll never encounter anything like that...
Haha ya, small towns are fun. Except the hicks in my town are THE biggest pussies around. I remember back in high school one of them was talking shit to some kid during lunch, and the kid punched him once right in the face, and the hick just dropped. He didn't go to school for like a week but ever since then they haven't said...
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That bone yard sounds badass. I've always wanted to build things out of bones..
I know of none, and that's sad.
thx for the addition btw
thx for the addition btw
I read outside today. Which was awesome because it was quiet and I could hear birds chirping and what not. A rarity in the city.
And I'm actually going out tonight! Well, sort of. Out as in a friends garage to play poker. And laugh. And be made fun of because I'm the creepy gothic kid of the whole town and surounding areas. Small town...
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And I'm actually going out tonight! Well, sort of. Out as in a friends garage to play poker. And laugh. And be made fun of because I'm the creepy gothic kid of the whole town and surounding areas. Small town...
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Eh, have fun and don't let 'em get you down...
small towns are funny, ya piss off one redneck and next thing ya know you're cornered in shop class by 10 of them asking you if you worship the devil.

Woo I'm home in WI!! I love it here. Most of my family, and all of my friends are here. I hate IL. HATE IT.
Anyways, not much is really going on. I don't have a car so I can't go anywhere. And there will probably be a party tonight that I'll go to, and tomorrow night. So thats good.
And I don't have to...
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Anyways, not much is really going on. I don't have a car so I can't go anywhere. And there will probably be a party tonight that I'll go to, and tomorrow night. So thats good.
And I don't have to...
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Glad your doing good.

being home makes everything good
For the past few days I've been trying to find two cheap 12 g barbells. My right nipple barbell is to small and I need to get two of them so they match.
I didn't think the search would be so hard. All I can find are dangly jewelry or sheilds. I JUST want a barbell! Not a tounge bar, I have one of those,...
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I didn't think the search would be so hard. All I can find are dangly jewelry or sheilds. I JUST want a barbell! Not a tounge bar, I have one of those,...
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Go to Chicago Tattoo & Piercing near Clark & Belmont. Their stuff isn't uber cheap, but it's also not incredibly pricey and it seems to be pretty good quality.
I had no idea that designers had to take such tests or know such things. That's fucking amazing, makes me have a new respect for the profession. I appreciate the schooling
The first sign of a depression in the future is the cost of living without the increase in income (as an average in the big picture). The biggest red-flag to date is the Treasury Department; it now costs the Treasury 1.4 cents to make a penny. The Government (regardless of party affiliation) is spending more and money, and the deficit is growing by leaps and bounds. If you just stop to look and listen to what's going on these days it's looking like we are heading down that path. Who keeps this country going? The middle-class. Who is hurtung the most right now? The middle-class.
btw, I have to ask...you don't eat chocolate on pizza do you?

The first sign of a depression in the future is the cost of living without the increase in income (as an average in the big picture). The biggest red-flag to date is the Treasury Department; it now costs the Treasury 1.4 cents to make a penny. The Government (regardless of party affiliation) is spending more and money, and the deficit is growing by leaps and bounds. If you just stop to look and listen to what's going on these days it's looking like we are heading down that path. Who keeps this country going? The middle-class. Who is hurtung the most right now? The middle-class.
btw, I have to ask...you don't eat chocolate on pizza do you?
Woo! I just started a myspace! So add me, because I don't have any friends...
myspace is teh evil
what kind of designs? clothes? art?
Got an A on my final today. I'm a nerd. but I love it!
And ANOTHER roomate is moving in eventually. Movers came in with her boxes today but she has yet to show up. She doesnt clean though, so thats going to make for a fun time here.
Today was a big waste of time. I did my final, took a nap, cleaned, then...
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And ANOTHER roomate is moving in eventually. Movers came in with her boxes today but she has yet to show up. She doesnt clean though, so thats going to make for a fun time here.
Today was a big waste of time. I did my final, took a nap, cleaned, then...
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