was wondering if u would happen to have any negs of mine ..... i have been searching everywhere for the ones of anna cause i was going to start printing but i cant locate them .... i may have put them in a box somewhere but i thought id check with u about them ... please let me know ... thanx ....
well id still love to do the shoot ... i am off work monday and tuesday as well .... let me know if there is any way to do the shoot with anna .... ill be on line for a while tonight .... so ill check this from time to time ...
Whats up? I just got online today after a few days off. Steve and I are heading to Amsterdam today to get out of the house. There is an open house and they are kickin' us out to show the house we live in from 12-4. For people to buy it, that is..
I usually stay in on Saturday, I'm so lazy when I'm not at work...
Call me tonight if you want. I'll email my number to you. I keep losong your number or I would call. I'm so disorganized, you know that...
It liked to work fine but then randomly suck the fabric into the whole or knot the strings up behind it. I oiled it, adjusted the tension, beat it a little but it just keeps doing it. Not all the time but like 2 out of every 3 times. I hadn't really sewn that long before it frustrated me into giving it up. I made some boxers, srubs, a skirt, little things.
I've never looked into the group. I actually said that because it was from an episode of Carnivale that I just watched on tape. There's a scene with a preacher who realizes he is actually some type of evil force and he makes a really intense speech to his former congregation. I'm actually not Christian, in the least. I've become fed-up with the tenets of most religion, but I do believe in trying to be a good person in my own way.
consider this your one week warning...one week from now I shall require your girlfriendly assistance with my trip to the eye doctor on Friday 21 Jan 2005 at early as hell in the morning(need to be in Rockville at 7:45am)...and again on Saturday for the follow up(I don't yet know the time)...Who knows if you will read this before I call you on Monday to give you your official reminder...
traveling might be good but ive been to scotland more than once.. im thinking of going elsewhere..
thanks for welcoming me
fair is often difficult .. i wish everything could be fair but its hard...
That sunds like a good time to me. How much was it? I wish you could stay longer, but I understand about the kitties... Maybe when you get here, you can show me how to fix all of my pictures!! I'm just dying to know how.
Let me know when you have a solid date and we can start planning some trips and stuff.
Can't wait!!! woooohoooo!
Thanks for thew pictures!! The reason I didn't have one up is because my file sizes are all too big. Maybe when you get here, you can help me with making my pics smaller so I can use them.
I'm getting a photographer to take our pix when you get here. A guy on the base takes the pix for the Airforce, so he also does private shoots. He has a pretty good portfolio.
You can decide when you get here.
Try to make your trip to here as late as you can, otherwise it will be really cold and possibly bad weather. I would hate for us to be stuck inside most of the time. Plus the tulips bloom in the Spring and would make some good tours and travels.
I'm gonna talk to them about taking some time off if I can so we can hang out. How long are you staying here? I hope at least 2-3 weeks...
You know you can stay as long as you want to...
Hey,..you think you could bring me a huge jar of Kimchi when you come?? I'm looking for it here, but not sure where to find it. Maybe if you can't we can go out and find some. Yummy....
i like that same picture myself.