Normality, for me, is an unfashioned, sporadic uplifting downfall.
I'm living with Morbidity, Pooky56 in a new house in Brisbane. Lexiphanic is living here temporarily while he finds a place, and I'm spending a fair amount of time enjoying S_Eldorado's hospitality, company, and cooking.
I'm located in a life position where-in things are most probably...
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It's so close to home. What an amazing person, Ani Difranco is.
yeah i have a hippy heart and im trapped in this city. i dont know how much longer i can stay here. as soon as im out in the quiet bush my mood instantly changes. and i cant tear the smile from my face. its where i belong.
Not just the 'Birthday' .. or the 'Party' .. but the weekend where I finally figure out who I am and what I want from life.
Yeah, it was 'That' weekend.
Conjure said My time here, in this house, with no TV, no boyfriend, a minimal support network, and a lot of heavy tribulations and extreme amounts of self-time, has, as intended, sent me through a meditation and reflection on my life, the direction that I'm heading in, and most of all, towards figuring out what the most important things are to me, and how I can maneuver my way around to being involved with them.
I've been leading towards, and have finally stumbled upon the realisation that I'm not waiting any more. I have a position in the world, and I have a real life that is not in chaos, as I thought, not at all. It is entirely, universally, and continually, in flux, and completely stable, all at the same time.
- Friends. Forgive myself, others, forget, and deal with the reality that people can be beautiful, and nobody is even remotely close to perfect.
- House. I'm moving out of this secluded space a better person, a grown-up moving forward in life with nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
- Direction. I'm going to finish my degree, as slowly or as quickly as I need to. I'm going to take each day as it comes, and enjoy every moment for everything that it offers. I'm no longer going to wait for Japan, or Canada, or Sydney, or the bush, or my love, or the end, or the beginning. I'm no longer going to worry if my life is secure ... because it, despite popular 'live now' scare-tactics, it's not going to end tomorrow. And I don't need to live today like it's my last.
My god, I could have written that.
I keep sweating the small stuff ... letting my mind believe the lies my negative self-talk creates.
I just contacted my tattooist about some colour. I hope he's free soon.
Bring on reality; ...bring the pain.
What's changed in a year, in a decade? (Yes it's a self-reflective blog. You expected any less? This is *me* we're talking about here.)
Like before, I'm still smoking. I'm still trying to quit.
Nothing's changed there.
Like before, I'm still in love with more than enough people, and still not comfortably stable with any of them.
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That is all.
I think you're readt for the BBC...
i lived there and i think the people are amazing.
haha i cried when five broke up. i was soooo upset!
Now that you have your wants out there, here is mine: first and foremost, I want to comfort you.
I'm not sure how to do this, yet know that I want to.
radiohead has saved me on more than a few occasions.
I too have no plans and no idea of a career and as a result have very few friends. The series of disappointments and ill-conceived choices that is my life was granted me for a purpose I have yet to realise. I don't pretend to have a solution as I myself have none. You will fill me in on news of your health won't you?
Apologies for the incoherence
You're awesome
We are barely even similar.
Yet you're still on my mind all day.
I'm so prone to coveting the interesting.
I might have to look for a 2nd job just so I can scratch up the dough to fly you over here.
I'm glad things are improving in your world.