Well I am sure many of you know about the blockade of Cuba and have heard about its effects, but have you experienced 1st hand what Cubans struggle through every day to maintain their sovereignty, Social Justice; their socialist economic system? Well here's a chance to roll up your sleeves and support Cuba with a little elbow grease and lots of learning experience, come join...
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Is Obama to the Left of Clinton?
There is no question that many of Obamas voters and active supporters were well to the left of either Bill or Hillary Clinton. Especially during the primaries, Obama won support because he...
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Maybe I'm just being a nostalgic old fool

There's much that will be missed such as the little things such as seeing the art fans drew and sent into the publication for art contests,things of that nature that I doubt will ever return but we'll see.
Nintendo Power Magazine had been made into an unofficial publication about 10 years ago,yet managed to still be just as good and creative while staying true to the original intention of the publication all the way to it's end.
Yeah what a surprise they can only think of that slogan when it comes to Israel.....
Yup 6 AG showed up to the last Gaza solidarity protest and now the whole protest is being smeared as Anti Semitic.
I can only hope this is a testament to n00bness of the organisers of these protestors,...
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As far as Lenin goes, I haven't visited him yet this year. I saw him a few years back. If I head over there, I will pass along my regards. In case I didn't mention it before, I spent Lenin's birthday in Ulianovsk (his hometown) in April of 2006. I spent the day touring around the various Lenin houses and museums. I must have visited about 5 of them.
Seeing Leonard Cohen was really awesome. I could have seen him by himself in a longer concert in LA, but the tickets would have been more expensive. Regardless, I am happy to have seen him even once in my life. I always felt robbed since I grew up about 30-60 minutes away from Mount Baldy in California, where he spent my childhood in a Buddhist monastery. Of course, I was too young to know of him. Getting to see him after all of these years sort of addresses the injustice of having him so close and missing the opportunity to see him.
My time in Moscow has been fairly productive. I've worked in the main state archive and the archive of literature and art. Next month if everything goes well I'll get to go to the old party archive. My topic right now is cultural ties and relations between the Soviet Union and India during the Khrushchev years. It should be fun stuff, particularly if I can weasel some funding to allow me to spend a few months in India too. Ideally, I'll spend 9 months in Moscow, then 3 months in India. One of those would be in New Delhi, one would be in Mumbai, and one would be in Calcutta. Calcutta is still governed by a Marxist party (and has been since 1977), so it will be kind of cool to live in a functioning Communist-led democratic state.
How are you doing? I hope that things are going well for you. I haven't been able to be very active here recently, but I hope to hear from my favorite northern comrade.
Not much new over here trying to get my place cleaned up, might have a new roomate mooving in thanks to my brother, though she can be unreliabnle so not really banking on it at all,...
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One more reason why I hate Nazis.

What was the Hanging? is there a news report on that incident. AND YOURS?
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I finished the research project, but I was pretty much doing revisions until I left and I didn't put a copy on my laptop. I can email you it as soon as I return from Bloomington, IN. Sorry. What is your email address again? You can send it through a private message here if you want to keep it out of public view.
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I wouldnt be surprised if my walking papers are presented to me, not that this means much worry for me in the economic situation Calgary...
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CommunistCanuck said:
SockPuppet said:
Today, Reuters reports that the USA's intelligence agents do not believe that they nor their grandchildren will be able to pay off the sub-prime mortgages that will be needed to rebalance the US trade defecit that a second occupation will cost the U.S. economy.
Some highlights from the Reuters story:
Iran had a nuclear weapons program but halted it in 2003 and had not restarted it as of mid-2007. The halt applied to design and engineering of an explosive device, such as fuses or shielding, and to covert uranium-conversion activities, according to senior intelligence officials. Other activities such as civilian uranium enrichment and missile development continue.
The weapons program was halted in response to international pressure, meaning Tehran may be more susceptible to influence than previously thought.
Any production of highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons would probably take place at a covert facility rather than a declared nuclear site. Covert enrichment programs were probably halted in 2003 and had not been restarted as of mid-2007.
There's a lot more there; go look.
That goes for the White House too.
What did that mean?
Also did some rare overtime on Monday due to 2.5 instead of the horrible...
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Fuck I hate september.

It was all excellent, though I was kinda feeling a bit anti social and didnt go out of my way to talk to people attending nor make much...
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