Most Wicca I have met cant seem to tell the difference between Wicca and Pagan. They feel those words are interchangeable. They also have no problem mixing Irish deities with Greek and Egyption deities(wich I find boderline offensive to these faiths). Never mind that fact that they were thousands of miles and hundreds of years apart. With absoulutely nothing to do with one another. They...
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do I?

damn that DOES suck.

I finally got a chance to watch the beheading video. And what pissed meo ff the most was the fact that the sound was off kilter. It was a few seconds ahead of the video, So I got to hear the screaming before I saw them pull out the knife.

I want to see it raw, as it was filmed, I want to hear him...
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i dont think i could watch that video.
Iying awake late at night in my bed, once again trying to figure out my political beliefs, and I came up with this situation:

Lets say there is oil in alsaka for arguements sake, In fact it can be anywhere that is still wilderness, doesnt matter. To continue, There are enough reserves there to make buying from Saudi Arabia and other countires a moot point....
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i'm confused-the thread you started about Berg-did you provide a link that goes directly to the actual streaming snuff video? iam unable to click it for a number of reasons mainly b/c i merely HEARD it being watched in my house and became ill. just let me know, thanks.