ok, so it's been a long time since I've updated - - I know it, but I've been really blown away with how many changes I've had happen internally since dating Jessica. I know Matt is going to complain about this being a "sappy/lovey" post, but that's just where I am right now. I'm ridiculously crazy-in-love with Jessica. So much so, that I've reconsidered my...
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I'm alive and hanging on by my fingernails. What else is new?
ok, so at Matt's request - here is a new blog..
The short story? I'm head-over-heels stupid in-love. I've been spending all of my spare time with her - without even really thinking about it. My apologies to people I might have neglected here (wink wink, Matt, cough cough..) but I'm sure you understand.
Hmmm, in other news, I bought a brand-new 2007 Harley Ultra...
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The short story? I'm head-over-heels stupid in-love. I've been spending all of my spare time with her - without even really thinking about it. My apologies to people I might have neglected here (wink wink, Matt, cough cough..) but I'm sure you understand.
Hmmm, in other news, I bought a brand-new 2007 Harley Ultra...
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Ok, let's tone down the schmaltz.

So I gotta request a new blog every time?

So I've been dating someone new since the beginning of January, her name is Jessica. Sweet girl - absolutely amazing, fun, gorgeous, makes me laugh etc.. Things have gotten very serious, very fast. Then again, I've known her for 4 years - so the usual rules don't apply. :> I've pretty much been spending most every waking minute with her, hence the lack of updates....
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Isn't she really young? So what, you've been biding your time all these years?
Write a new blog, motherfucker!

Write a new blog, motherfucker!
Ok, so those of you that play WoW - we'll talk in a couple of weeks, after I come out of hiding from playing the new expansion.

Not sure about you but I am.
I had an experience that actually gave me hope in the future of our society tonight.
I was at my favorite teriyaki place this evening, waiting for my oh so delicious dinner to be cooked, when I noticed two thug-g-gansta's sitting at one of the tables by the door. These guys were maybe 15-16ish and gave off the vibe of serious attitude and "I'm a...
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I was at my favorite teriyaki place this evening, waiting for my oh so delicious dinner to be cooked, when I noticed two thug-g-gansta's sitting at one of the tables by the door. These guys were maybe 15-16ish and gave off the vibe of serious attitude and "I'm a...
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Well, my flight leaves this afternoon - and what happens?!?! I get a call from my Mom saying that I'd better bring something to keep my entertained on the tarmac.
They're expecting one of the worst wind-storms on record to hit here this afternoon.. WTF?!?! I packed with this in mind - I have my laptop, PSP, Ipod AND Blackberry at the ready - and...
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Last night was great, but you know, it was missing something I can't quite put my finger on......oh that's right, you!

Not that I'm aware of. Understandably I didn't wait for anyone to get it together, I went and made my own plans.
My God, I've been busy recently..
I bought a quad a couple of months ago and I've been riding every weekend since. By the way, if any of you have a quad or dirt bike and go riding a lot, feel free to get a hold of me. I always enjoy hanging out with fun people. My friends and I mostly ride at Reiter, but...
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I bought a quad a couple of months ago and I've been riding every weekend since. By the way, if any of you have a quad or dirt bike and go riding a lot, feel free to get a hold of me. I always enjoy hanging out with fun people. My friends and I mostly ride at Reiter, but...
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Hey, it's your birthday. Happy birthday!
One might question the logic of posting this in your journal when you're logged into messenger and I could just say it there, but oh well.
One might question the logic of posting this in your journal when you're logged into messenger and I could just say it there, but oh well.
Oh don't worry, I won't forget. 

I'm still trying to get used to the new site layout.. I think I like it, but I'm still having trouble finding things and that's frustrating the hell out of me.. Oy!
Winter is definitely coming. The rain these last couple of days seems to almost beat down the door with a certain sense of forboding. Good times indeed.
I think I'm going to head...
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Winter is definitely coming. The rain these last couple of days seems to almost beat down the door with a certain sense of forboding. Good times indeed.

I think I'm going to head...
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You seem to have a lot of regrets. You should definitely stop doing that.
And about the site, how much time do you need?
And about the site, how much time do you need?

OK, so I'm back. I like this place far too much and I was given a sweet offer to stay - so, Matt's ratio is going to be back up to almost even.
My buddy, Shane, called me Saturday morning and asked me if I was busy. It seems that he found a new Dodge 1-ton dually (What I call the Sherman Tank edition) for...
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My buddy, Shane, called me Saturday morning and asked me if I was busy. It seems that he found a new Dodge 1-ton dually (What I call the Sherman Tank edition) for...
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I've never really been into Tool. I doubt very seriously that I would feel as strongly as I do if there wasn't as much hype built up around them. But I've always thought they were pretty lackluster and the hype just makes me reject them.
Anyway, it's good to have you back. I knew you didn't have it in you to stay away.
Anyway, it's good to have you back. I knew you didn't have it in you to stay away.

To whoever cares:
I've decided to cancel my account here as of August 21st. I'm not really using the site at all anymore and, to be quite honest, it's time for me to move on. To all of the people that haven't taken me off their friend's list, thanks. It's been fun. Maybe I'll run into some of you again.
I've decided to cancel my account here as of August 21st. I'm not really using the site at all anymore and, to be quite honest, it's time for me to move on. To all of the people that haven't taken me off their friend's list, thanks. It's been fun. Maybe I'll run into some of you again.
I say it again, you're seriously throwing off my girl-to-guy friend ratio on the site. I hope you're happy with yourself.

Honestly, yeah. I try to keep it all even-steven.
That sounds like a perfectly fabulous idea.
That sounds like a perfectly fabulous idea.
I got home Sunday from a week and a half long Harley ride with 9 of my buddies to Yellowstone and to see some of the Ghost Towns in Montana. Beautiful scenery, great food, Harley riding....... How can that get any better?!?! I've been in total "relaxed and stupid" mode since Sunday.
I have the final appointment with Jesse on Thursday to finish my sleeve...
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I have the final appointment with Jesse on Thursday to finish my sleeve...
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I've always thought of having a Harley but I think I'd look ridiculous on one.
By the way, did you know I met Sonny Barger in person?
By the way, did you know I met Sonny Barger in person?

Matt - you're right. It's been too long without an update.
This has been such a surreal week for me. I had a checkup at the doctor's on Wednesday. While I was there, I thought I'd stop in and say "hi" to an old friend of about 20 years. I went into the office part of the hospital and asked the receptionist where I could...
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This has been such a surreal week for me. I had a checkup at the doctor's on Wednesday. While I was there, I thought I'd stop in and say "hi" to an old friend of about 20 years. I went into the office part of the hospital and asked the receptionist where I could...
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