Hey all,
Long time, no blog.. This past Covid year-and-a-half (or what I call "modern dark age") has been a real shitstorm for me. Lots of big changes: my girlfriend and I have been incredibly rocky, especially after moving in together; my Mom, whom I'm incredibly close with, moved to Arizona; a close and very long-term friendship ended, which forced me to move in a...
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Well, another birthday is almost upon me. I always take stock in my life around this time of year: where I've been, how I've matured, things I should work on, what kind of shape am I in (mentally, emotionally, physically etc) and how my career / future is looking.
This year is quite different than those of the past. Everything in my life is absolutely...
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I'm just going to get right to it: I'm having bariatric surgery on February 22nd. I've always had a struggle with food, mainly portions in particular, compounded with the lack of activity at my job (Director of IT) has lead to a staggering number when I step on the scale.
I didn't come to this conclusion lightly. I've spent countless hours researching options, reading about...
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So, my life is in a crazy place right now. I've worked at the same company for the past 4.5 years and my boss throughout that time has been nothing short of a nightmare. No people skills, no empathy, demands absolute perfection in every little thing, micro-manages every single detail of my job, rules with an "iron fist" etc - you get the idea. I've...
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I'm having a huge issue with my self-confidence lately. Becoming single again (a couple of months ago) has really screwed with my head. Even though the split was my decision, I've found that I constantly second-guess myself on it. I fucking hate dating! Gah!
Case in point: there's a woman I've known for a few years that...
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Any sets that were epic that I missed and NEED to see?
First off, I got divorced back in April. It was one of the worst experiences in my life and I'm still not the same, nor do I think I ever will be. Enough on that.
Second, after 11 months of being unemployed, I'm finally back to work - been there for over a month...
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Anyway, 4 months of being unemployed really sucks. I'm amazed at how much it fucks with my sense of self-worth. I know people shouldn't be defined by their...
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And that is indeed a fine set. Lovely.

However, when I went back to work this...
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I'm having the time of my life with the Macbook Pro - - it *really does* do everything I need it to - and even runs Windows like a champ! Being a Sr. Computer Specialist really gives the *need* to be well-versed in multiple OS' - and this is *exactly* what the...
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And it wasn't rejected, i submitted it straight to the hopefuls! Alot of girls are doing that, it makes the wait a lot shorter for it to go up on the front page


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