Horray Mary had a new set go up.... I sure as hell do miss that girlie... I can hardly wait till I get out of here!!! West coast here I come BITCHES! Yes, as you can tell I am excited about leaveinig and feeling a little better from my sickness...
This is what happens when you dare the forces of me and my side kick... Read More
Hope today goes by quickly... I have a busy ass week scheduled... is the weekend here yet? Not like I will have time off on the weekend either... *On a good note I did find out that I have a pay check at the old motorcycle dealership
I couldn't get the damn dial up to work right so I went and bought a bus card ($40) and the hotel has free wireless connection.... so all and all not too bad. I HAD to get a rental car... you will not believe how fucking big this place is. Then how far away they tried to lodge me from the school.
Well I went to the Hospital today... Asthmatic broncitis with an Upper respitory infection... woo hooo So three bottles of pills and a bottle of codine cough syrup later here i am all loopy and googlely eyed....
I was going to have you do that, but when you started talking about moving I didn't know if you were going to be here through Christmas. (since I get back Christmas eve) I'm not to concerned with someone watching my place, more about finding someone to watch Patience.