This is the second time in my entire adult life that I've made any kind of attempt to do halloween, Oct 31, 2014 27 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS thrallsacchetto: Bacana! Nov 13, 2014 fredmetz: Damn!! If all my trick or treaters looked like you, I wouldn't give out rocks anymore! ;D Mar 13, 2015
Look! It's me! Sharing my words of gf+v wisdom! (?) in issue #3 of @australian_gluten_free_life hah Oct 30, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email
Thankyou @mitchxvx for putting up with me today while I travelled through space and time in a heino Oct 25, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email
My new aahmayyyyzing toes by Will "the blade" Duncan @willwillwont THANKYOU SO MUCH it was a world Oct 24, 2014 8 Facebook Tweet Email terome: Toe tattoos?! Awesome!!! Oct 24, 2014 1 fimbis: Fantastical! Oct 25, 2014 1
This face is the exact opposite of how I/my toes feel right now. FUUUUUUUUCK. Looks amazing tho. Al Oct 24, 2014 13 Facebook Tweet Email
Decided to take a mini break from saving this afternoon to buy this gem. Sorry neighbours. Not real Oct 20, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email
Been feelin a bit crapola of late and today ain't much better, so here, have the best selfie i ever Oct 17, 2014 22 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS billpowerssr: LOVE your FRECKLES :) Oct 22, 2014 1 drwhosit: 100% beautiful picture. Hope you feel better soon! Oct 23, 2014 1
Ok look, a tiny bit sorry but also at the same time 100% not sorry for the boyfriend appreciation p Oct 17, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email rainbowfour: Boyf appreciation is always good Oct 17, 2014
My friends are so talented! They inspire me everyday, gonna draw every bloody day till I'm the tiny Oct 15, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email
New bra. Day off. Procrastination. Oct 15, 2014 24 Facebook Tweet Email captainfurious: I would have preferred "new day, bra off" but this is still good :p Oct 15, 2014