Here are the beginings of my story for the homework. Can't wait to see what you all join in with.

"She turned over, and it took her over a minute to realize she wasn't in her comfy bed. The cold and hard surface made her shoulder ache as she turned over. Her eyes fluttered open, and the first thing she focused on was..."

😍 you guys! (Love where this is going)
Deep wide open eyes staring back at her. She was noticing sounds of jungle birds and wind sweeping through the jungle trees. How did she get here? Where was here? Those questions immediately disappeared from her mind when her eyes began to adjust to the foggy morning surroundings of a red wood forest. The eyes that were looking straight at her were the eyes of a plack panther. How many dreams she had in the past of seeing black panthers couldn't be counted. They were recurring dreams she had been having since she was seven years old and living in the Midwest. She longed for a wild adventure in a jungle or an amazing red wood forest one day. And here she was, laying upon a warm deer bed by a small clear Creek. This was not a dream. For she had her purse and her car keys, wallet in tact, no bruise's or reminisce of harm to her. She slowly liften her body up with her pail white arms to see if she moved if it would all go away. But it didn't. The panther was but fifteen feet from her, laying down like a sphinx with his powerful head turned right at her. She blinked. She blinked again, still the panther did not move. His eyes were soft and his body still as if he had no intention on harming her. His left ear twitched and he licked his from right paw softly while he  waited for her to get dressed and pick up her things. A sheer white dress and sandals were laying right by her tummy. She pulled the dress on over her head and slowly pulled it over her breasts as they were quite large and she did not want to rip the only outfit she had. She slowly stood up. Then sat back down. What if the panther is waiting for her to move so he can make his move? Why is a black panther in the red woods? The panther lifted his big heavy and beautiful body and slowly walked towards her. His big front paw placed right next to her purse. He looks up at her with yellow eyes and simply stares, then glances down at her purse. An amazing rush of strength flowed into her body, she reached down for her purse and gently brushed her hand upon his dark black paw, lifted her purse up and then moved closer to the panther. He moved one more step closer to her and took his head, pressed it upon her arm and then gently nudged her belly. He bent down as to hint for her to climb up on his back. She put her purse on her shoulder and climbed up onto his back. The panther begins to walk, slowly, carefully, so she does not fall. She is shaking slightly, but somehow trusts this amazing creature. Her life back in the city was becoming too different from what she wanted. Someone. Had drover her car al the way across the country to northern California. She could sense something famiar. A man. She could see in the distance, was standing by her car. And the panther walked, steadily towards him. As the last few trees were in front of her she hoped it would not be the last time she would see the panther. As he approaches the car. She leans down to rub his neck and give him a kiss. She sees a necklace in her boyfriends hands. He has never dressed so nicely. Her man who had drove her here in the night, liften a necklace over her head and got down on one knee. Her heart skipped a beat, she noticed a sparkle from under her chin. It was a diamond ring on the necklace. "Will you merry me?" She was speechless, and her man opened the back door to their 4 runner, and the panther jumped into the vehicle with casandra on his back. The panther gently dropped his head and she slid off and onto the backseat.  " we are moving hunny" her boyfriend said. " I know the city was suffocating you" this is Sage, my black panther. He is yours now as well. Now come. Tell me which log cabin you love the most.....

***EDIT*** why did no one say the pics hadnt shown up?? Pictures hopefully added.

Finally. A blog post.

No more excuses, here we go!

I havent been spending a lot of time online due to a) my mother being diagnosed with terminal cancer 12 months ago, b) my dad being diagnosed with bowel cancer 6 months ago, c) wallowing around in a state of mild
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You are beyond adorable. I'm sorry you have had so much on your plate and I think cockwombles sums up the people you work with quite nicely. I am so happy for you and your partner and your ring is epic. Being an aunty is the lushest thing, I could watch my nephew all day I find him hilarious (he's just hit the terrible 2's though so he might not be so hilarious for long) haha I hope you enjoy being an aunty as much as I do. Congratulations to your sister on motherhood and her engagement 💙
you had a heck of a good year, love the ring & super cute smile on your kitty kat (baby)

SSorry ive not been around people.

Finding out both your parents have cancer takes up a lot of physical and emotional time.

But life is slowly coming back together. So I'll be around more hopefully, with the good, the bad, the ugly to update you on, as well as previews from not one, but two new sets! 😙

Until then, my apologies for not being...
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Best of luck to all of you
no apologies needed <3 love to you and yours xx