An Ode to love...

These words...I can sit here and write about everything you are to me, all the things you have inspired within me. I am the master of emotion you see. I turn anger into love with a wave of my hand. Justify alll that just cannot possibly be justified. Like how you can just ignore what we had become. 33 years of...
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I am darkness, for I dwell within the depths of my black heart, each beat bringing me closer to the day when the pain and despair will end. I am Chaos, my head filled with a vast whirlwind of consciousness that has no real meaning...but speaks to me in riddles too complex for any normal person to understand. I am Ruin, a nuclear wasteland resulting...
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Think its time to move on, so lets get away from these crappy annoying "feel sorry for myself" songs of depression and on to something different. Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving for all you that celebrate it.

Thought of the week : There is no "one true love"....you can find love in many forms and the strength of that love varies . There...
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Mood : Lost...
Listening to : Nails (NIN)

Breeze still carries the sound
Maybe I'll disappear
Tracks will fade in the snow
You won't find me here

Ice is starting to form
Ending what had begun
I am locked in my head
With what I've done
I know you tried to rescue me (as I tried to rescue you)
Didn't let anyone get in
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thank you for your words and your understanding.
i hope you are well.
Mood : Resigned
Listening to : The sweet sound of industrial

The following is a lyrical melding of all im feeling...

So much i'll never know, so much i can never feel, so many promises betrayed when you walked away.
Im holding on letting the past slip through my fingers, but the scars that burn my soul won't let it go...i can never leave. there's...
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oink oink cheer up!
Mood : What do you feel when you miss someone so bad...
Listening to : Saliva

"I just wanna say to you...
Maybe I won't feel the pain
when you leave me one day
Maybe it won't be too late
when you need me some day"

I miss you my angel...

Someone take me away from the one who betrays
Mood : ...
Listening to : PTI


Choose her angled eyes
A pretty blur behind a strong outline
Looking into you
I feel what's there behind your stare
There's nothing I can do

Before we say our last goodbyes
I feel the emptiness inside
Like I left a part of me with you to die

Remembering your glow
Soft blue lights that once seemed...
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where there is life, there is hope
Mood : Well, lets just say there are alot of them at the moment...
Listening to : The sound of silence

Here is a poem dedicated to Heather, Queen of Misery (09/18/07)

---Queen of Misery---

I set you free oh Queen of pain, took away your chains...ripped out the bars that were holding you to the hell you called your own.
and there you stood,...
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true love can never be lost...
Detached assemblage
Looming under pressure
In rotting conditions it speaks clear minds
Savage nature to conquer the doors
In what it all defines
A shock of mental spark falls deep below and cracks
To define an ignorant fault
Leading no one to believe
The crevice sucking dry puts the feelings all to rest
Timing sequence fails
All to simply be no more
Abrasion cut down...
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Mood : Resigned
Listening to : Assemblage 23

Lyrics Time....


Horizon---Assemblage 23


Spiral and coil into black
Some remembered, Some forever gone

We never get them all back
The relentless march of time must still go on

The tide is turning
Horizons burning
Your days are numbered
Your future has crumbled

Events obscured by the past
without remembrance did they...
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Mood : Discontent
Listening to: Assemblage 23

Sitting, listening to the dark music playing in the back round, a reflection of my life. The music plays as if offering an orchestrated tribute to how I feel...Thoughts drip through my mind ever so slowly, taking the time to sink deep within me and numb the senses, i drown within those thoughts. Eratic is my moods of...
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