Okay....in serious serious need of updating

Something witty....hummmm....
Costco is the Disneyland of shopping. Seriously, think about it. Its huge, you have to pay just to get in the door, and the parking lot is larger than some towns.

And the sell churros.
The good:

Pirates of the Carribean 2 Rocks, just....be ready for a windfall at the ending. Stupid "Rule of the Trilogy" tongue
I also have a new kitty, named her Lucca. She was abandoned by someone in our complex outside, and since she was declawed, we couldn't leave her out there.

The bad:

I have nada freetime right now, we've almost doubled the number of people...
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Updating time again...

Work sucks, my hours are are thin, but spread out just enough to consume my day. Still money is money so I can't complain too much. I've started playing thorugh the Blazer series again, must beat Terranigma eventually.

And i'm planning to go see Pirates at the midnight showing, won't someone come and see it with me? love
Is it just me.....or is the new layout substantially more confusing and harder to navigate than the old one?

And i can't seem to get autoplay to work anymore frown
Need to update.....
okay, update: I am doing a ton of essays and projects before finals and then have finals themselves, so wait for a better update following that.
Got to play around with Google Earth in class today. I love taking Geography classes...

was able to pick out my parents yard simply by how big it is, it was the largest clearing in that area.

That was fun.
I still play FF, they jus released the new expansion for it. biggrin
So we've been waiting for one person in our apartment to beat Kingdom hearts before starting the second one...

However, me and matt just snuck in about 5 minutes of gameplay.........
....Holy shit, must play more *twitch twitch* eeek
I am currently listening to Hemisphere by Yoko Kanno.

...and if you know what that is, that i applaude you for having watched one of the most amazing series I've seen yet.

Its like Evangelion, but without the angst and an ending that actually means something tongue
Journal updatey time.

And.......the only thing going right now is that I have homework I must do, and really should stop slacking lest i get bad grades.

I'm already disappointed in my grade in Geography, and I need it for my certificate....so i should really step up to the plate.

So....*goes off to do geography homework* tongue
back from spring break....

which was about as uneventful as humanly possibly, considering i went to my grandparents house and was prompted buried under 4 feet of snow.

Therefore the coolest thing I did all week was go sleding and make a 7' snowman with my old high school buddies.

Well, hopefully I'll be able to rock out in th future, this is the DragonBlade...
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I'm not looking forward to winter in South Africa. Even though we do not get snow in Johannesburg, it still gets cold. My definition of cold is different from what Kathearsis says it is in other countries.
because it needs updating....lest it perish.

Not much to say though, abnd currently playing my way through all the the Megaman X games.....and am right now at the last level of X3.

And no, not in the collectors edition (though i may get that) but on a Rom...because any self respecting geek knows its always better to play a game on a different system then...
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Pretty awesome dragon in your profile pick. I work with dragons all the time. My second name is PearlDragon.
Don't really know what to write....

Here, Smile for the Chicken bok