Have you been assessed for ASD? those who have it have a pretty long memory, as i have it.
or For Aspergers.
I wouldn't mind being 18 again, had more fun then and did not own a car.
You should but the Kama Sutra or a pillow book. Better yet run starkers down the road and sing alleluia.
either that or Just go see charlie and the chocolate factory.
1. First concert: Adam & The Ants
2. First car: Austin Allegro
3. First real kiss: 10
4. First screen name: StGeorge
5. First self purchased album: Can't remember
6. First funeral: An uncle
7. First pet: Cat
8. First piercing/tattoos: None
9. First credit card: Visa
10. First enemy: I like everyone
11. First big trip: Tenerife
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Beatles
1. Last cigarette: Never smoked
3. Last kiss: Never be a last kiss I hope
4. Last good cry: Year ago
5. Last library book checked out: be about 1990
6. Last movie seen in theatre: Mike Bassett: England Manager, been a while
7. Last beverage drank: Tea
9. Last crush: I have several
10. Last phone call: Work related
12. Last shoes worn: Steel toe-cap safety boots
13. Last item bought: Newspaper
14. Last annoyance: Sat in the cabin at work waiting to start
15. Last time wanting to die: Never
16. Who are your best friends: Rob, Chris, Steve, Nick, Dave, Bobby
1. Do you do drugs: No
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Whatever I buy at the time
3. What are you most scared of: Heights
4. Where do you want to get married: Not really thought of it
5. What are you listening to right now: Sky Sports News
6. How many buddies are online: don't know
7. What would you change about yourself: Not much
1. Colours: Red & Black
2. Foods: Indian & Italian
3. Girl names:
4. Boys names:
5. Subject in school: Drama, maths, physics
6. Animals: Cats
7. Sports: Football
8. Perfume: Whatever the lady is wearing
9. Cologne: Boss
1. Given anyone a bath: No
2. Smoked Cigs: No
3. Bungee jumped: no
4. Made yourself throw-up: No
5. Skinny dipped: no
6. Been in love: yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No
8. Pictured your crush naked: No
9. Seen your crush naked: No
10. Cried when someone died: yes
11. Lied: yes
12. Fallen for someone: yes
13. Been rejected: yes
14. Rejected someone: yes
15. Used someone: never
16. Done something you regret: yes
1. Clothes: Jeans & T-shirt
2. Music: Iron Maiden
3. Make-up: nope
4. Annoyance: None
5. Smell: Coal
6. Favorite artist:
8. Book your reading:
9. Cd in player: Motley Crue - Red, White & Crue
1. Understanding: Yes
2. Open-minded: Yes
3. Arrogant: Sometimes
4. Insecure: No
5. Interesting: I'd like to think so
6. Hungry: Yes
7. Smart: yes
9. Hardworking: yes
10. Organized: Fairly
11. Healthy: As much as anyone else is
12. Shy: sometimes yes.
13. Attractive: Don't think so
14. Bored easily: YES
15. Responsible: yes
16. Obsessesed: Other peoples feelings
17. Angry: Not at the moment
18. Sad: Not at the moment
19. Disappointed: Only when I can't do what I want
20. Happy: Often
21. Hyper: Wouldn't go that far
23. Talkative: Usually when drunk
1. Kill:
2. Get high with:
3. Talk to offline: You
1. In the morning I am: Knackered
2. Love is: everything
3. Music is: everything
Home is good.
But wtf kind of hospitals do you go to?
Is the anaesthesiologist the same chap that diagnosed you with sludge?!
Glad you're getting better