So about a little over a month after I last dislocated shoulder (miore on that later) I went out this morning a played a couple of flag football games with my alumni team. I was a little hesistant at first as this is where I most of the dislocations occur. but not injuries Whoo Hoo and I was a best on the field.
Can't believe it has been so long since I added anything to my blog.
Niether can I ..what took you so long man?
Is it wrong that I find you sexy in that costume!!
Not at all. I am thinking of dressing up as the John Stewart version of the Green Lantern for Holloween, lol
Getting ready to head to the DC Fringe Festival to check out "Super Heroes Who Are Super" a live action reading/perfomance of The Uncanny Xmen 127 and 128. This is gonna be cool.
Hey just having a lazy day. About to head to a resume' writing workshop part of my current quest to find better employment.
Happy 4th of July. Just trying to get it together after an all night barbecue and pool party last night. There is "Greatest American Hero" marathon on the Syfy channel I am in nerd heaven or pretty close, lol
Good Morning All!!
Thank you for the pic and thanks for the friend add.
.Had a great weekend. Now back to the grind.
It has been along week. Hopefully the rain until late tonight or at least holds long enough for me to enjoy the first weekend of Jazz at the Sculpture Garden. Jazz, sangria can't think of a better way to end my week and start my holiday weekend.
Had to go to the hospital after I dislocated my shoulder yesterday.
I took the Praxis II exam for physics a few weeks ago. Just keeping my fingers crossed for a good score. I think I did pretty good, but sometimes there always seems to be more to study.