Halloween was very cool. My boyfriend was visiting from New Orleans. We went, along with a bunch of my friends, to see a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. There was a live performance going on at the same time as the movie showed, but they had assembled the cast out of the people who showed up, very last minute, and they were...
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Well, thanks for the welcome anyway biggrin

The first time I saw Rocky Horror was in NYC (G. village) on my 18th birthday...whoa..an experience I will never forget.

I am going to NOLA this month. I'm always looking for an escape when the weather starts to get cold by Jan. & Feb. I start losing my mind.

hibernation can be fun, but then you miss all the wonderful grey days and chilly morning walks through graveyards.
take care, behave, and enjoy!
My friend and I are going to see Eric Idle (of Monty Python) tonight! I'm really excited. I don't have any idea what he's going to do, but it's ERIC IDLE! Who cares what he does?

My car's headlight burned out, and I can't get it fixed until Saturday. I got the tire patched and put on new windshield wiper blades. Neither of those really...
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Lol...bandaid queen huh (sorry cute story about the car)..so how was the show?
Back again. I just can't seem to stay away, although next time I go missing, it might be for good. The site keeps changing. If I criticize the new layout, I might get banned, but I must say, I preferred the old one infinitely to this one. I wonder what prompted the change?

I started dancing (exotic) at a local club. It was sort of...
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i'd love to see you dance.
I *finally* got my hood pierced. It really didn't hurt--there was a lot of pressure when the piercer applied the clamp, and then a sharp pinch when she actually pushed the needle through, but it was soooo much easier than I expected it would be. I want to run around and tell everyone about it now. I should probably refrain from that.
you have nice arms.
nice arms indeed!
If you have a livejournal, and think naked goth/punk girls are hot, check out the Deviant_Nation community. It's very cool.

Somewhere on the boards there is a link to Dia's LJ.....not sure if that helps.
My friend claire goes to smith and she's probably in your grade. Do you know a claire?
I had the first editorial meeting for the spring issue of my literary magazine yesterday. It went fairly well: we had 130 pieces, and it only took us...4 hours. That's really not that bad. Unfortunately, the numerical rating system we devised to make things simple wasn't implemented correctly, or it was a flawed system, or something...I don't know what's so hard about a scale from...
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I live near you...that makes me feel creepy posting in your journal.
Internet people are not supposed to live near me.
Yeah it does mean Carver's short stories, those are brilliant.
It's been so long I plumb forgot how to create journal entries...

What happened here? It changed so much over the last three months. Where's Dia? (I'm far too lazy to do my own research.) She was one of my favorite SGs, ever.

In other news, I've come to grips with the fact that I'm not SG material. I suppose I'll need to use some...
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Wait a minute, I disagree, first off, blank pages are sexy, and second, your pretty cute, you should at least try it out...LOL
Wait a minute, I disagree, first off, blank pages are sexy, and second, your pretty cute, you should at least try it out...LOL
Back at school. I'm glad...as nice as it was to be home, it's good to be in charge of my own life again. Although, it is a little quiet here. Three weeks until classes start again, so most of my friends aren't back yet.

That's a great sword.
What happened here? It changed so much over the last three months. Where's Dia? (I'm far too lazy to do my own research.) She was one of my favorite SGs, ever.

In other news, I've come to grips with the fact that I'm not SG material. I suppose I'll need to use some other route to become a porn star...or something.

Anyway...good to be back.
Sooo sick of school. One exam left, Economics, and I get to go home. I handed in my art project on Tuesday--I thought it came out very well, but my teacher panned it and gave me a C+ in the class. ::sigh:: This semester is going to devestate my already abysmal GPA. And it's not like that's the most important thing in the world, but...I...
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that would totally suck if you cancelled your subscription. then i would have no friends. but i totally understand money being tight. at the moment i have -.18 cents in my bank account. i'm lucky that i was able to go back to my old job though. that sucks to hear about your project. but i totally agree with you, hooray for the humanities department. smile. and as far as becoming a suicide girl goes, i say there's no harm in continuing to try. i wish you luck with that.
Happy Christmas
Two classes down, two to go. All I have left: two self-scheduled exams that I can take any time this week. My mother wants to pick me up on Thursday evening. That means I have to take my Economics exam by mid-day Thursday.

Whose bright idea was it to take Economics, anyway? (Oh yeah....it was mine....)

In the future: all humanities courses. No more of...
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yeah, to hell with those classes.

that looks like my old pet rat Sniffles.
there was one strip of streets in north hamptom i miss so much... i was going to westover, in chicopee.. we used to head out that way on weekends...me and this one guy spent 6 hours in a store called the space crime continuum
I'm feeling better this week...less of a hacking cough, not such a runny nose. This is the longest I've been sick in quite a while, though. I first got sick an entire week ago.

I went to Walmart. They didn't have *exactly* what I needed, but when you're relying on Walmart for art supplies, you have to take what you can get. At least it...
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i hope you continue to feel better. remember to drink lots of orange juice. and good luck on the theater box. it sounds really cool. just thought i'd let you know.
Thank you for the compliment on my set!! smile I hope your project turned out ok!
I hung out with my friend and her new boyfriend last night. I didn't think too highly of him before, but now I have a bit more respect for him. And, he doesn't have any classes on Fridays next semester, either, so maybe if we become friends, we can hang out on Thursday nights and do...um...nifty stuff. Or something.

I've finally come down with the...
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if it makes you feel any better i'm in the process of getting sick now myself, and now is definitely not the time considering the amount of work i have to do. guess i shouldn't have gone out and run around in the snow we had last night. oh well. hope you're feeling better!
Yeah, I feel your pain for work needing to be done... I have to draw another picture up, and shade two others in before Tuesday at noon... Oy, this sucks... Not to mention I have to code and present a program for Monday night... I hate this time of December, but oh boy do I LOVE the weeks to follow! =D Christmas AND New Years!! Mua ha ha haha! But anyway, I'll go back to being half-sane now... *grin*