I have to decide what to do this weekend... edinburgh? wales? stay in northampton again? norwich? nottingham? london? all of these are valid options for me.. i just don't really know what i feel like doing. maybe none of these...

what do you suggest?

I think you should have gone for a walk in the woods and taken some photos along the way...
Cheers for the offer, but Ithink I`ll get it for my girl, then read it after her.

Keep well sweety.
Well i didn't go to brum - stayed here and saw films instead:

Meet the Fockers: 6/10 - Soppy, not funny, regurgitated old jokes as all sequels do. Also just not my kind of humour anyway. I'm not saying you won't like it.. i'm just saying i didn't.

Assault on Precinct 13: 8/10 - standard cops and guns, but with lots of shooting and lots...
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What is this film obsession? You studing film, or just love the pictures?

Keep well
Film: Elektra
Verdict: 6/10 - It just didn't flow properly. I'm guessing that people that have read the comic might like it a bit more, but for me, the storyline was weak and the action scenes were just like any other. Best bit? ... Tattoo man with the animals coming out of his tattoos.

So, my life at the moment... am thinking of going to...
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Hi Keith!

Hope you like it here. The people are nice. I'm still waiting to beat you on wipeout.

love, Cat
Wow i think i got army points cos of you! smile yay! i'm in the army.
Do you get a uniform? wink
Just had a very relaxing weekend at home for once. Didn't do much.

Films I saw: National Tresaure 8/10 - this film exceeded my expectations, mainly due to the sarcastic guy.

Lemony Snicket: 6/10 - had expected more funny moments; the storytelling was just a little too not enough of either funny, endearing, or gruesome. Too theatrical for me.

Party this weekend in Cambridge. Maybe...
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Have a good time at the party.

Well the party was good.

Anyway, saw Team America [and am now oh so bored of people stating the obvious and forcing their opinions on me; athough the puppetry was good] - 5/10

And also Closer 7/10 - dialogue didn't seem to match the acting at times, but thoughtful 'love/sex' story.

love, Cat

[Edited on Jan 19, 2005 2:04AM]
I'm so confused.

I was bumbling along in my life, being happy cos one guy might want to date me, and then, all of a sudden, an old sweetheart goes and asks me if i'd consider getting back together. Completely out of the blue. Much confusedness. And now I fell completely torn and hassled cos this isn't something i was considering.

Am thinking I'll just...
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hope you sort you head out
Christmas is over. All hail the New Year!!

Am still getting over all that food and family stuff.

Haven't seen a film for ages. Will try to see many in the new year - last thing I saw was The Phantom of the Opera. This was good, if obviously a bit 'stagey and singey'. Still an experience worth having. 8/10.

love, Cat
Cool! I want to go and see that movie.. I'll wait for it to come out on DivX.. har har.

Just a quick note to wish you a happy new year and all that stuff, hope it's a good one!

Speak soon, T.
kiss happy new year, i hope 2005 is a good year for you biggrin

Crashed my car

But I'm not hurt and I've got a new one

So everything's ok.

love, Cat
Ok. Am working night shifts now, and so, although it's 8.45am, it's been a long day. I'll be in Cambridge this weekend. Family stuff. What fun. Am going to sleep now. smile Goodnight x

love, Cat
Enjoy Cambridge! I'm working in Pensylvania at the moment, it's really boring. frown

If I don't speak to you before, have a great Christmas.

Hi all!

Am back from London... caught up with some old friends, and generally lounged around, which was great.

Film: Garden State: 7/10. A feel-good quirky rom com kinda film, billed as being odd, and maintaining just enough oddness throughout to be cool. My friend thought the ending was a bit flat, but i liked it.

love, Cat
Glad you had a nice time in London.

Keep well
smile smile smile smile smile love smile smile smile

So, anyway... he texted me. smile

So I'm now happy.

I'm going to be spending the weekend in London. Anyone got any ideas for good things to do / places to be in London this weekend?

Ok, 'churchill' review: 6/10. it gets extra points for having outtakes at the end, but as a film, with that cast they could have done so much more. It was...
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ah, just read a few of your previous journal entries and noticed the post about the random friendship request smile . sorry it took a while to reply. i've been away for a week with no computer.
if you want somewhere to go in london, there is always slimelight. or the ship in soho where alot of the local london sg members crowd go sometimes.
or there could be something going on at astoria. usual G.A.Y. on a saturday.
but there are loads of things to do in london. so hope you have a good weekend smile .
He still hasn't emailled. frown

Anyway, going to go see Churchill: the Hollywood years tonight. Will let you all know what I thought later.

Just got the theatre programme through my door today - frown want to see so many things and yet have no money. Have worked out that I can see the main things I like for only 95 (over 3 months), which is still...
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He might still email. You know what blokes are like.... wink