
Thanks to everyone who wished me well.. Im feelin a little better but still a bit shady!

I have made myself better by getting a haircut, buying a new pair of jeans and stealing a road sign! Ahhh theft always makes oneself feel better!

So today a street sign, tomorrow the world! (insert evil laugh here)

Enjoy the weekend kids, im off to kill...
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I love green tea. I noticed to you love green tea as well. We are friends. smile
yes, it's true, i lived above a pub. it's really not as exciting as it sounds though. you know how the smell of smoke and gross beery staleness makes you feel sick when you have a hangover? imagine waking up with a hangover every morning with the whole place smelling like that. puke visious circle.
Okay talk about complete and utter shitfest... I went to work this morning after my relaxed sick day and all of a sudden I felt like someone was doing the hand jive with my lungs... And not like the good kind of hand jive either, im talking the budget community drama theaters Grease production kinda hand jive! The one where everyone is outta tune and...
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hope you're feeling better smile *hugs*

[Edited on Jul 29, 2005 11:48PM]
My recommendation (and boy, you better listen! haha): Go to Vancouver. You can pick up a decent 2nd hand SLR for like $150 which are usually built like tanks. They also take really good photos.

Take it easy mate, rock on.
Another day, another sickie.....

Work is the pits and i cant seem to pull myself out of bed... I asked jeeves what a good lung / chest infection was and up came 'plurisy' sounds just as good as any i thought to myself... So there we have it, its settled! I have plurisy today and most probably tomorrow! After all the weekend is approaching and...
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you should go to new jersey i dont know why but it sounds like an ok place. smile
thanks for the comments lol...go to vancouver anyways.
Yeah! You know my lightswitches rule the school!

Welcome to SG!
Well Captain Procrastination has finally made up his mind...

I will be travelling to the US of A next year... First stop L.A then ill make my way obver to New York..... If anyone has any tips let me know...

Cant wait.. WOOO HOOO!!!
Yeah I saw that too. Completely trips me out. I have no idea what's going on with it...

It sounded slightly out of context I guess... Not sure. Guess time will tell.

My tip for travelling the US, head up to Vancouver if you can. NY is an awesome place too.
Hello... whatever Visual here, I just have read that you're planning a trip to the US soon!! Congrats. There is lots to see and do here but if you're planning on traveling from L.A. to New York you should definately go see the Grand Canyon. And if you've never been before I recommend white water rafting... there is some pretty good water in Colorado and the mountians are just awsome!!
I live in the most remote capitol city in the world... Perth Western Australia.

It's funny to read people saying that they are bored.. Live here and ill give you a guided tour of suck-fest 2005!

Hoping to spread my wings a little when i save the coin, see what the world has to offer. I'm sure the rest of the world cant possibly be...
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If you want to travel to the greatest place in the world, head to Vancouver.

Everyone there is nice, even the crackheads on the street are nice to people. Or at least Aussies.

We also have a great pickup line with "No worries." Somehow that works more than anything there.