Ok, well, this is my first Journal entry. I haven't had a lot to say lately so I haven't bothered with this thing all that much. Ok, well, today is Monday. On Wednesday I travel to London to try out as guitarist for Amen. With a bit of luck, all will go to plan and I will be a part of my favourate band, a...
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Casey did finally manage to get to London... but at a time there was no way of me getting there. Unfortunately. Well, we arranged for me to fly over around the 10th November but that has also been put back a step to December sometime... I won't be able to go at Christmas since I'm gonna be spending it with my family so it looks like it'll be early next year, if not early December. Still, gives me time to practise.

I just re-read my profile... I think I have a problem. I think I'm obsessed with Amen. Is that a bad thing?