So it's been a busy weekend - I've been working 8am-midnight shifts over the past couple of days and I am just ready to sleep for daaaaaaays... (alas, this is not possible, but I did manage a shower and a shave today. YAY! CLEAN! There's nothing worse than surviving on coffee and wearing the same nasty pair of pants all week because you want to... Read More
I just came back from a play that gave me theatrical blue balls!
Ugh, headaches, frustration and a little tears. It's just so PAINFUL to watch a show you know could have been a million times better and had a lot of potential - now most everyone else LOVED the show and it was a good show, there was just so many things that bothered... Read More
So no one makes passes at crazy philosophical chicks? Yup, I wouldn't either. (at least not TO me!)
BUT TAXES ARE FILED! Hooray I get monies back! More than expected, but would have liked even more to start paying back all of my student loan debts. so in honor of tax day, something not fatty or philosophy related - BOOBS OVERLOAD (under the spoiler. )... Read More
So I was going to post about how I'm sorry for breaking any boners out there... but then I changed my mind! Mainly because I think everyone knows how bad, lighting, camera angles and poses can infinitely change a person. I'm not saying I'm not THAT person from the last blog, but I am THAT and all of the other ones in my pictures. I... Read More
So to (temporarily) disrupt this beautiful fantasy of porn bunnies and rainbows - I want to start a photo project that is a take on 365, but at the quite possible shittiest I've ever looked this past year. I figure, I've had shitty days and looked gorgeous and I've had shitty days when I've looked shitty. Let's be real, let's post some crap photo "art",... Read More
We do all Cry, it is our nature, I had a good one the other day because a total stranger told me to get out of an elevator because I was to fat and we might die. I am at my largest in 5 years 280, At the start of the 5 years I was at 200(my lowest weight since JR year in high school). My weight has been up and down mostly between 250 and 270 but a nice argument with the right person saying the wrong thing while i was in the wrong mood, made the appetite come.
I am doing better.
Humor is my weapon against others and myself but there are times when I am out of Ammo.
I got a surprise package! My mom sent me the new BBC version of "Emma"! Being the Jane Austen geek I am, I am absolutely in love with this and very happy.
I finally caved in and bought a new "professional-looking" purse. I feel like a grown-up already with my fake red crocodile... Read More
Christina Hendricks is by no means fat, she is the only chick on my "I'm married but my wife will give me a pass if this check decides to bang me" list. The Opera sounds fun, but it should DEFINITELY be a Euphemism for the taco handshake
As for Christina Hendricks, I think that something is happening now where men are starting to be afraid that a real woman would break them in half. So they react badly to anything that doesn't look as crippled as a Barbie doll.
Sorry, I've been away - I just got done doing "24/7" a playwriting festival that started on 6pm Friday night and got done at Midnight yesterday evening. I acted in it and I am beyond pooped! My friend wrote a play for it, and I was so proud of her it was SOOO good. One of my theme suggestions got picked, so... Read More
Just earlier today I came across a site where people were calling Hendricks fat, and I had pretty much the same reaction: "WTF? Are these guys serious?"