Since I'm letting everyone help decide my life for me:
I need a white dress and a black dress for the opera I'm in - soooooo... Target Online Store or American Apparel Online Store? There's no stipulations other than I need two dresses in those solid colors.
Of course there's always option 3 of me sewing some things right up, but, I'm feeling a tad... Read More
Well, I wanted to wait until I had an update about my audition, but alas, I won't know until MONDAY!
The Stage Manager called me and said I did not get a call back, but she'll let everyone know about the show after the callbacks this weekend. She also hinted at a part she thinks I... Read More
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... Actually, it was just an awesome day!
Veggie Burgers and Making Out with actors.
Who was right that they would read for the hooker? ME! Who got to make out with an actor while reading the scene? Oh yeah... Seriously, more guys need to audition for roles! I don't understand it!
I want to sit on your dick and spin, but only because it sounds like the most fun amusement ride ever!
I need to stop reading French libertine works of fiction, it's getting me all hot and bothered to manipulate people sexually, but I think this will only help in my audition process.
Random things:
1) I realy want the Alexander... Read More
your welcome!!
i have been thinking about shooting another set. i have also been talking to an SG about shooting a set for me. i have a few ideas. if all else fails, my husband will shoot a set of my while we are in cancun in August... but I hate to wait that long!!
what about you?
Aw! It's no problem checking in. And I'm sorry to hear about the MFA. I know you would have loved the program, and definitely loved going back to NYC. But look at it this way. Now when you become a star, you'll have a "New School turned me down" story to share with David Mamet.
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oh, and i was at the mall the other day and Ann Taylor had some hot B&W outfits... lemme know if you find something!