Wel it seems that people think the badn is pritty good because we go into bodog battle of the bands. We ended at number 4 in the boston area this week. You ask well what the fuck does that mean well I'll tell you. We now have a show on aug 14th at the middle east is Boston. If we win we move on....
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well i've been in the label buisness for 6 years now... and being a booking agent since before that... there will be no fight... we have a contract... we are completly in the clear... it's just now we will be demanding restitution in the form of world wide sales of the vinyl and press releases stating that it was their mistake and that they are sorry and it is in fact 100% legit.

there are also a lot of good things that have come out of this... and one being the publicity.. metal kids love their band drama.... and any press is good press in my book
Well all is ok on the home front . The band is taking on a manager. It's a guy I've know for a couple years who is a profesional bass player. This guy has played every were from here to there. We have a show coming up at the compound in fitchburg for any one down with seeing some bone crushing metal .I love my...
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Well we played a show in Dover NH at The Brick House. What an awsome place . They treat the band like kings and very cool people alround. It's funny we show up a group of angry looking freaks. But in all actuality we're probably the nice fuckers you'll ever meet And these people at this bar get that they don't look at us like...
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bad ass man, good luck with the palladium show.
Well our show on sat was awsome . We killed the fucking place people were signing along and everything. Very cool indeed . Why I don't see more of my little SG friend out at these events I don't know but hopefully I will in the near future .

dude i didn't see you again after lamb of god but slayer was awesome, let me know when ya'll are play'n again. i know about dover but were goin to nails that day.
dude , youtube is where its at, just type in bass , or sick bass, or the name of a bassest, all types of cool video.
Well fucking a the show was killer . We have on on june 10th at the uptown if anyone want's to come on out .

hey man , whats up, small world indeed , i usally have my daughter on saturdays but i'll se what i can do. allys good to se a show at the uptown
Did Jamma-man ever give you the CD of pics? Why isn't that shit online yet? Geez!

Also: Did you find out what the blue bands are? I checked out slayer's website but it's pretty bare, so I got no info..then I just gave up.

Anyway, I love you, you're awesome, and I'll talk to you later.

Well the band thing is finally going well . We have some shows lined up check out out myspace or our website. I have soooo much going on right now it's hard to keep everything under control. I'm trying to slow down the smoking of the green alittle and start working out again. I wish I had someone to work out with so I would...
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Strange how we're always on the same page, just in different books.


I love you.
right we are back on the war path check out our myspace www.myspace.com/devilschampion for show dates would love to see anyone from sg come out and check it out . skull skull
Uhh, I think you mean war path. wink

I love you, spelling errors and all.

What the fuck? Drama Drama Drama chicks are fucked man let me just say that . Our should I say some chicks are fucked. NO I'll stick with the first one. My guitar players girl said some shit now my drummers pissed she's lieing about who said what I just want to kill someone. Any way I'm working on mixing our new demo should be...
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Well kids we're finishing recording for our new demo. I just have to go in and do some backing vocals and a track for one song then it's mix down time. That should take me like two weeks or so .I can't wait to get out and play our first show with our new singer. I hope everyone in the mach are can come out...
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well rock the frick out!
Well kids two thing to tell you. First on june17 in lowel Lamb Of God opens for Slayer . Second and more importantly Devil's Champion May 17th at the Spyder Room in manch vegas 8:00 show starts we don't know when we go on yet but i'll let you know. I would love to see as many people as we can get come down and...
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