this is truly a sad day.
at one time, music was my entire life. i went from a shitty keyboard in my dorm room, to a $70,000 setup in my apartment which i later moved to a community center where i ran a recording studio as part of an after school program for inner city kids. i left the area several years ago but bequeathed most of the equipment to the program so that my baby could keep going. it died. i told myself i had a good job and would be able to replace what i left behind and resume my music career. i havent done an original composition since 1998. i used to do 4 - 6 each month. so this is all i have left of my once glorious musical empire. and now its headed to ebay. yesterday was the first time i turned it all on in about 5 years. i've been in denial. i may never get back to doing music again. funny how things change. but the money could come in handy. im trying to be strong. i told my wife that this is still very good gear and it could help some budding musician acheive their musical goals. so its not like i am losiing something. its more like i am adding to the cosmic good. but fuck dude...it still hurts. you know?
so im going to lose myself in work today. i need to tweak the commercial i was working on all last week. and i need to put together some website comps for another client. i'll probably watch some of the game today. thankfully the redskins play at 1:00 so i wont jack my day up with their lousy performance.
i love you