I Came across another 2 rules of life today, technically they are both the same rule but from opposite sides:

1) The amount you enjoy doing something is inversly proportional to how often you get to do it.


2) The amount you loath something is directly proportional to how frequently it occurs in your life.

Not quite the possitive vibe of yesterday, i'm working...
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Well, what can I say today?

As we all know the universe is governed by rules, if we can extrapolate these rules, to find formulae, then we can be happier people because we may understand something of our role in the universe.

I have discovered two such rules that apply to myself:

1)The amount of abuse I inflict upon you, is directly proportional to how...
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What's the unstable situation? I think that song lyrics can make a situation more unstable confused
I like these rules
fetish night was somewhat of a blur, and rough doesn't go anywhere near describing my current state.

I might actually be dead, but my body hasn't realised yet puke
Oooh fetish night, sounds intriguing! Get up to anything naughty?! wink
i might have done, but like i said it was a bit of a blur, i do have whip marks on my back though eeek
A Guy get's onto a bus, now stop me if you've heard this one..... eeek
As i previously stated this month keep's getting weirder.

1) Walked into studio, sandwich girl was there. wtf?

2) Vicky hasn't slapped a restraining order on me for last nights druken request (Although she could just be filling out the paperwork biggrin )

3) Druken requests are beginning to pay off, must make more of them, to a wider variety of people.

4) You can't have...
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Hunh?! confused
Thing's to note today....

1) Life isn't agony, it never was, it's just we tend to fuck it all up!

2) The next time I ask a complete stranger to model apparel for the band, i'm going to shoot myself, and the rest of the band biggrin

3) Everything is about to get more interesting, I can feel it in me bones.

4) Too much pie...
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I will go check out the website now but i can't see any problem with that!
A weird day, to begin a weird week, culminating in a weird month...

...Filled with Shiny Weird People biggrin

(After posting in the UK group i have "Hat's for Clowns" stuck in my head, and since there's only one line it's really annoying mad )
i know practice could have gone one of two ways... we could have all continued to be pissed off for all our own different reasons... or continue blissfully unaware of each others internal agony... which we choose to dao for tonight lol
sooo self indulged - you didn't get them. frown

little violins..

Life moves on boys.




Practice was good
Parle vous human? whatever
I'm quite fucked up, and for at least two good reasons...

In the words of one of my gods:

"Life Sucks, Get a Fucking Helmet"
"It is better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done"

Note to Self: Need to do more regrettable things biggrin
agrees... whole-heartedly
Yesterday was quite possibly one of the wierdest days i've had for a long time...

...so much so in fact my head can't comprehend it all.

WTF Mate?
mmmh pie

lo child

mmmmmh Vicky biggrin

[Edited on Feb 27, 2004 11:03AM]
its the endoftheworld

eeek eeek

The Gig came & went with such speed i feel that if i had blinked I would've missed the whole thing.

It felt so good to be up on stage again, and the first time i've ever been there sober, such a fantastic experience.

I think the best part was just after we got offstage to be confronted by shocked people with that "What the...
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I had no idea! Hey, how come i haven't seen you around here before?! blush
Dude, cheers for friday. you were a rock at the back, kept us together.