So my weekend of debauchery is over and I am back at work... surreal

I unfortunately didn't get any pics but it's not my fault...they don't allow them to be taken in strip clubs and by the time I left I was too drunk to remember I should have taken some.

Anyway, there is a work event tonight and some will probably get taken there. I...
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I relate to your camera dilemma 100%, but ive gotten a digital recently and been havin fun with it.Now if i would get around to sizing everything to load into this site i could show everyone just how much fun ive been having.
At least you had a good time. My weekend pretty much sucked! frown
It's 11pm here and I'm cold. I think I am going to go snuggle in my blankets and zone out to some music biggrin

I can't wait for tomorrow night...
Thats a good idea. I'm not a huge drug user, but I would really like to get stoned and do the same thing. *sigh*

I think the piercer wanted me to come back because I was with people who weren't going to get stuff done, and by getting me back for a second time they might come with me and get something. I dunno. It's weird, and doesn't make sense to me.
welcome to the BCB group
Ok...so some new developments: I am officially, for the time being anyway, addicted to York Peppermint Patties. I've eaten so many I think I have mint flowing in my veins. It's the strangest thing too because they've never been a favorite of mine before.

It's finally Friday! I get to go out this weekend to make up for my crappy birthday on Tuesday. Onn the...
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Its too bad about your bro and your dad. I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help. I think you should take the 500 dollars and blow it on booze/drugs to make you feel better!

Have a good weekend! smile
Some things I know about myself:

I don't tolerate bullshit...piss me off once shame on you, piss me off twice shame on me.

The first book I bought all on my own as a child was a thin illustrated book of Edgar Allen Poe poems...yes I have a favorite and I bet you can't guess what it is.

I read alot...and I keep the books...
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I have alot of these things in common with you, but there is one important difference.

I keep my job, my student status and basically everything I have for one reason.....so that another, who would probably be far more appreciative of them, can never have them.

I am pure evil. mad kiss

BTW, nice to see more anti-drivers out there. Its not that I don't enjoy it, but I'd rather walk and be driven around by others.
The birthday was a little bland but that's no surprise...it was a Tuesday after all. The real fun will come this weekend when I go out with all of my friends and tear up the town!

Good news! My freind has agreed to take a photo of me this weekend so I will have something nice and new for my profile pic. Wouldn't want to...
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Gristle & Grind, Greetings To Yet Another One of Our Kind...
Sickening Salutatations, Onyx23...
(YES!! One whom is One with THEE 23 Phenom...Theres A few 'Enlightened" Ones In Here...)

...And WELCOME to THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY!...I suppose I should Also Be Welcomming you to SG as well...and A Belated Rejoice in Your Creation Day Wish...But Now...I am going to let you in on whats up...Firstly...We are NOT the 'Popular' Horror Flicks Group...Just so you are aware that most of us are EXTREMELY Old Skool, Hardcore Horror Fanatics...We Really ARE A Bunch of Gore Addicts...Hence the name...We do not generally think very highly of CGI, 'Resident Evil' Video Game/ House of the Dead CRAP...Although, We ARE into EVERY aspect of the Greatest Moments in Horror Flik History, From Edison's FRANKENSTEIN, straight on up through The Monster films, Up through the 50's with MY MASTER, Vincent Price, through the Renaissance during the 60's and 70's, New Wave 80's and then up yntil now, with emphasis on Independant, Underground, or just too fuckin graphic to be Mainstream films...We are A pretty Tight Family, A contigency of constant need for Horrific Vision...we have become more of a Sub-Site, Cyber Spookhouse, Really...and I give EVERY member the opportunity to promote their Visual Art, any mediums in our "Gore Gallery", we even have A "Writing To Writhe To" room, where a Vampire Serial is being redied to begin, (The group is just over a Month Old...and we have already made it our haven, and it just keeps getting better...)Reviews, Previews, any Horror News..You name it, we pretty well have A Space for EVERYTHING there, and if you feel there is somethin missin..YOU do it..I am being Utterly Honest...I want to help anyone in there plug thier shit...We have Monthly Quizzes, WITH Prizes, (Yes..REAL Dead Flayed Tokay Gecko's and HELL BANK NOTES...See Photosets) However...you missed out on this months, However, The Monthly tribute set "SINISER SEXY SINEMATIC SCENES" should be up by the weekend...(This Month we go Nude...as last Month we did Dario Argento's OPERA, and being our First attempt...we got damned fine reviews and words, the only complaint was I was not nude...So This set is A Tribute to I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE...Nudity, Male Genitals, Bloody Bubblebath, and One HELLUVA Knife...Oh Yeah!!) Just think of our little Underground Niche in the cellar here as A Cyber-Spookhouse, and it makes things alot easier finding stuff, as 'Topics" in The Apothecary are also 'Rooms"...So...Having Babbled on about that, Here...

...We always make sure to warn those whom may be the Victim of a loved One going through Horror Withdrawal...We ALL have been there...Besides that...There really isnt much more to tell ya, you will find your place and have fun with it, I sincerely hope..Its Actually working out to be quite fun for all whom are participating, and THAT is probably the best way to experience everything...But, You sound like you lready know that...So...Having said ALL that (Oh yeah...and This GoreWhore LOVES to talk...However, I don't stop...because people actually apparently say they like it...Go Figure..) OH! I Ah Yes...THEE Most Important, Imperative Rule That seals the coffin here...You MUST accept my Fiendship...As I Write and keep in touch with everyone, and they do the same...Just Imagine Barker Ranch...and THAT's the kind of Family we are...(Charles Manson is just waiting for Release to come back...) Anyhow...Good to Have you..and lookin at your Profile...I think You will fit right in...
OOogaBOOoga skull ,SS
hee hee...they don't really ride quite that low...I exaggertaed a bit for the pic...
In celebration of my birthday I'm finally writing my first post eeek I'm 23 today...there was a time in my life when I never thought I'd live to see an age even close to this.

Overall birthdays for me just plain suck ass. It's not one of my favorite days, I don't like to be reminded of it and nothing I plan ever seems to go...
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happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
happy birthday, neighbor.

Stay off the roads, b'day girl, they're a gotdamn bi-yatch.
