Okay, so I realize that I've been considerably remiss in my duties as an online friend. I haven't any excuse aside from being incredibly busy with other things, and not spending nearly as much time here as I used to. Still, I apologize.
Having said that, I also realize that very few of you will be interested in checking out my newly updated and redesigned... Read More
yeah no problem. it was fun looking at all your stuff.
i came for the boobies but the people on the site is why i stay. but i new most of the guys were talking to me just bc of my pics.
Again, not much going on around here. I've finally gotten around to playing Okami on the PS2, and I can't stress how much I love this game. Everything about it is fresh and thoroughly enjoyable. As far as I'm concerned, it's everything every post Link to the Past Zelda game has wanted to be. It really is a shame that no one bought... Read More
Thank you for understanding. Things have been bad for years now because I've been unable to work because of illness, which has multiple knock on effects and it can be very frustrating knowing that there is no cure and just sit down an accept that your life is essentially just being wasted.
In the past several months things have spiralled getting worse due to some other factors in my life, of which, there was one where I fucked up massively and am now really hurting for it. Regret is a hard thing to live with.
I don't know, maybe it's because I'm in a bad place, but I just can't see things getting any better and ever being happy with what I have. But I also have a sense of apathy towards a future.
Not much going on around here lately. I've just gotten (mostly) over being sick. I had strep and some sort of virus which had me down and on antibiotics for ten days. Thank God that's over with. I hate the way that stuff smells. It's like someone lit a GNC on fire.
So now I'm just really enjoying some time with my lady,... Read More
So okay, time for a new entry. Not that I expect anyone would be disappointed, but I figure I'll let you know up front that there will be no new artwork this entry. It seems motivation escapes me as of late; at least within the realm of painting. I am however working on a grand design project, to be completed hopefully within the... Read More
So, after a pretty trying week, things gave way to a much more pleasant and relaxed weekend. I got to spend some very nice time with the beautiful-even-when-she's-sick Spritely, built a Gundam model, made some delicious homemade chicken fingers (if I do say so myself), played some Rock Band, and...
...did some paintings! It feels like it's been forever. I know... Read More
I used to be antisocial... At university, you have to work a lot in collaboration... Im working on myself...Sometimes i just can't stand to even see others and sometimes i find it cool to be talking with them...
Thanks for the super sweet comment. That's a good idea on the poetry, except that I don't really control it. It just kind of pours out. When I've tried to write on a particular subject, it always comes out like crap. It's not something I have a hell of a lot of control over. I know things will get better, I just don't like knowing the negative truths about myself. But, if I didn't know it, I couldn't try to make it better. Thanks for the encouragement.
It seems it's been quite some time since my last update. A whole lot has gone on since then, and despite the fact that I'm sure most of you could care less about reading it all, I'm going to post it anyway. I promise to try and make it as painless as possible.
I want to thank you for your encouraging and lovely comment on my journal. You always seem to find the right words. What you wrote made me think, a lot, actually. So thank you, really.
And congratulations on... everything! Reading through your entry almost brought a tear to my eye. I'm so glad for your and your lady! And for the new home ownership and the kids liking you and all. See, this is what I want to believe in life; genuinely good people achieving and getting and having good things in their lives, and that's what I see happening here with you.
I'm sending happy thoughts your way and wishing you a nice weekend!
Let's seewhere to start. Okay, so last time, I was preparing for the arrival of my lady for a week long recuperative stay. So she arrived on Monday the 21st, and was supposed to leave this past Monday, but through some slight miscommunication and an apparent groundswell of good luck, she's still here! Melon will be staying... Read More
YOU need to write a new blog. I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to come home. I wish I didn't have to leave tomorrow. You will be at my house soon! Hope you are having a good day, baby.
I am glad you stayed in bed this morning. I really wanted you to sleep a bit more because I know you haven't been. You keep getting up with my lame ass.
So okay, this weekend started out pretty lame, but was miraculously transmogrified into something completely awesome. What could possibly affect such and incredible transformation, you ask? Why the lovely Saveme, of course!
I'll skip the severe lameness that was Friday night and Saturday, and move right along to Sunday. So Sunday morning, I get a phone call from Saveme, and as often... Read More
So here I am with an update from the past weekend. Once again, I had one of the best weekends ever. My girl Saveme came to see me late Friday afternoon. It was so awesome, as things were electric from the second I opened the door. After some catching up and much needed closeness, I told her to hit the showers and... Read More
Yeah I did. I am in the middle of gluing and inking so I can't respond yet but I had to say something. Thank you, so very, very, much. I promise to only run to you baby.
i came for the boobies but the people on the site is why i stay. but i new most of the guys were talking to me just bc of my pics.