Wedding plans are coming along.... We have someone to make the cake!!! We have a venue, I have most of my attire. It's really exciting. I love it, it can be stressful, but I wouldn't hand it over to anyone. Ooh and we have meetings set up with decor people, and are working on getting a few photographers lined up!!! It's all coming together!! biggrin
it will be a wurl wind time and it be gone before you know it. cherish it!
Dear God have I been busy this week!!! I changed the whole wedding. We are now having it locally now and I have had to deal with the added pressure of having to find all the vendors myself. I have had really good luck and have met some amazing people, so its a fantastic switch. Bite me Vegas!!! (I'm teasing, I love Vegas still, I...
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kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

Thank you for the comment on my set crush lady!
So, I decided I needed a break from life for a bit. I went to my parents and spent some time with them, my sisters, all my nieces and my nephew. It was great to see all those babies!!!

It also made me really realize how much I love my fiance and am completely ready to be his wife. Sure we have the petty arguments...
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i am glad you are realizing life is good, life is good, you have food, a roof over your head, and everything.
Oye... why is it so hard and hurt so much sometimes?
whats wrong me beautiful girl?

Thank-you for commenting on my set. YOU SAID OYE, I LOVE YOU!
Well, things are going better... The improvments are slowly taking shape. We've decided to eat healthier, the both of us. That has been a big help!!! I've been trying to up the water intake and increase my healthy choices. (ie: multi-vitamins, yogurt, whole grains, more fiber, lean meats, lowfat everything, better fats, and cutting out refined sugars, working out, taking walks)

Oh, I'm getting into...
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hmmm i wonder when another day shall be. congrats on eating better. i have no will power when it comes to food! enjoy your day.
Ok so I've been going over things with myself the last few days... My fianc is out of town on business and I've had a lot of time to sit around and soul search...

1. I really need to kick the dieting/exercising into high gear. I mean, I've made great strides and done a lot, but I'm nowhere near where I want to be at...
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everything that is needed in everyones life. not everyone needs to diet all need to try and be healthy. here is my tidbit of knowledge never stress about anything, either if you can fix the problem than work on it, if there is nothing you can do than dont worry about it and dont stress. it is a waste of time. the more i see your words in print, i realize you are an intelligent young lady on top of hotness. until another day i will go dance a jig thinking of you. biggrin
Thanks so much for the comments lady - you're the sweetest!!

When are you gonna do a set!?!?
I'm down another pound, grand total of 13lbs!!! Yay!!! Still a long way to go, but its really happening!!

Things are looking up. I have job interview today as well, so we'll see how that goes. I'll let you all know how things go.

* the job interview went ok... we'll see, in the mean time I have clients tomorrow.

Congrats on the weight loss.
I recently lost 10 and cant believe how much a few points makes..
can you notice a difference? I bet you can
Your looking amazing chick!!! Not that you didn't before, but, WOW!!!
I miss the hell out of you and we need to get together sooooooon! I'll email you w/ my number cuz I'm super bad about calling when I say I will. hehe Talk to you soon!!
Well the good news is I'm down another 2 lbs!!! Back to where I was before I fell off the wagon so to speak. So now its just all about getting to the goal weight before the wedding... Its totally reachable!!! biggrin

There is bad news in my life though... Some which is sorting itself out so I'm not going to stress about... Some that is...
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well stay focused on the good of your wedding coming up. i just got married a few monthes ago and enjoy yourself at least the week before. it is very overwelming and it will be gone before you know it. congrats on getting down on the pounds. EL SUICIDO LOCO
what can i say about such a charming young lady. well cute, sexy, awesome, sweet, intelligent, and determined. cant beat it with a stick, you should talk to this fox!
Down 1.6 lbs, we're back on track!!!! biggrin
Congrats!! One day at a time. I quit smoking last Saturday. I am doing it cold turkey one day at a time. Love yourself!! kiss

ooo aaa love
I have to do the same thing here soon. You are so beautitful baby, so you go girl!!!

take care and I wish you luck.
So the job definitely didn't work out. I'm not going to invest all that money beck into a company I just started working for. Isn't that the point of working, to make a little money? I have some leads I'm working on so all is not lost.

The diet is back in full swing; hopefully I will have good news to report after weight-in day....
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awesome!!! sorry about the job though
Wow... sorry I haven't been updating. My little sister was down with her baby this week and I started a new job... I'm not entirely sold on it yet... I've been in training all week... So I've been a bit overwhelmed. I haven't even tried to diet. So I am starting to get back to on track... So many sets/threads/blogs to get caught up on....
Good luck with the new job. Give it time it might fit you. I'm still looking and not hearing much back. It's kind of frustrating! I am always glad to hear from you. ooo aaa love
I was thinkin about changing my sn to 'bloodfuckins'
