I've been sad for awhile now, and a nice lady on here took it upon herself to reach out to me. It made a world of difference in my life. Thank you.

hope you are fine now =)
I'm okay. Things are looking up. :)

No matter what. No matter how you feel today. Smile at every single person you can. It will make them happy and almost everyone will smile back. I promise. I'll start :D


"We shall pass this way on Earth but once, if there is any kindness we can show, or good act we can do, let us do it now, for we will never pass this way again." Stephen Grellet




So if you decide the best way to transport your Chinese Fighting Fish is in a 7-Eleven Big Gulp cup in your car cup holder, I implore you to remember which cup is which.


I'm watching Ironman 3. Wish I had an awesome super SG to watch it with. Guess I'll have to buy Mae Belle, my dog, a costume.


My tattooer and I finally have it figured out. She'll finish my sleeve on Friday. Yay! The awesomer part? I was able to get my mechanic agree to work on my truck during the same four hours. Score! Yahoo!

So she worked on me for 1.5 hours and her power supply stopped working. Next Friday maybe we'll finally get it done.

If you could live in Portland, Oregon and make $60,000 a year plus commission, or live in Las Vegas but make $48,000, what would you do?

I'm at a crossroads in my life and have to make a choice soon.

Thanks for all your help. :( I decided not to pursue the job in Portland. I've had enough of Oregon. Time for Vegas baby!

I am a little stressed out trying to move by November 9.

Mainly because I'm not sure what I want to do or go, or if I can keep my dogs or not. Too many unknowns. I'm going nuts. Today I interviewed with a great aviation company to continue my boring sales career. A company in Las Vegas set-up a phone interview for Thursday for...
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I like the visual presentation, but I don't know what almost every button does, and most of the time they don't work anyway. It's very frustrating. I'm not a computer geek, but I've tried the site with IE, Firefox, and Chrome, and continue to have issues.

I thought it couldn't be possible to do worse than the last EXTREMELY slow, irritating site, but it appears...
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I live in Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk)
What about updating the site agrees, much is not working!

My tattooer and me both got sick today. So we were both relieved to put finishing my sleeve off until next week. It's still a bummer. :(

feel for you ((I have yet also a bummer with new tattoo
have an idea about the picture, but no money to get a tattoo)) I do not work, and my husband recently retired from the main job (But as soon as the money is available immediately run to make tattoo))))

Check out this article.

New site isn't cooperating. It's http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-ugly-lessons-hiding-in-every-superhero-movie/