Hey there everyone, thanks for checking in here. I just wanted to give a shout out for one of the great ladies here. Her name is @lalou and she has a truly gorgeous set in M.R. Arduous Journey Trust me, check it out & leave her some love it really is a fantastic set! Plus she's super cool, exactly the type of great person that...
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My Pops & I took a road trip last week from our homes in Southern California up to Bodie, CA (an old west mining ghost town & historic state park) then on to The Empire Mine in Grass Valley, CA (a historic mine with owners' home etc) then to Yosemite National Park. Lots of driving, lots of sights, and LOTS of pics!
It was a...
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I just posted a couple pics on the Dogs group of our family dog Trooper and thought I'd put a couple more up here too. He's been gone quite a while now (the pics are all from the early 90s) but I still miss the neurotic, but oh so lovable, little guy. Such a cute and fun little character!
Am I the only one who's been bouncing around in their chair & clapping their hands like a hyper idiot each time there's a new Godzilla trailer released??
Godzilla 2014 "Extended Look" trailer: