- on bigwobbles's page
- on bigwobbles's page
It's my birthday.. Everything is wrong... I'm tired of fighting
I'm back.. Don't know why most of. The people on here wanted nothing to do with me... free is free I guess
I'm currently thinking it's another one of those SG freebie membership things going on. but I'm cool with that.
Its a New Year... I lost 85 pounds... sIm on Eharmony Went to Ny for NewYears Eve ... I still feel fat poor and alone no matter what I do its not enough...I know its inn my head but I can not shake it ...
I Sweartogod...... I manic Depressive...or something Bipolar. I could have the Greatest time of my live and I will fell Like shit the foollowing Few days... Case in Point ... I wen t tpo the Amanda Palmer Concert . with some friends wich is an accopmplishment in it self.
After the Concert (wich was good ..not her best but its still amazing to see her...
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After the Concert (wich was good ..not her best but its still amazing to see her...
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I know you battle with really dark periods of depression like me, I just welled up when I saw how happy you were in the first pic.
Oh, and your pic is awesome.
happy birthday!
You look so good!!!!!!
Talk to me GOOSE
Things are doing well Im almost at a loss of 80 pounds and now Ive been replasing two to three meals a week with some sore of vegaterrian option.. I aint giving up meat its just I know I consume ALOT of red meat and want to control it a bit ... I know I havnt been a round latly and when I do post...
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This man is neither big nor wobbly. He is very tall, and I have the pictures to prove all of the above.
He needs a new proflie pic and a new call-sign - either medium-Wabals or Goose
He needs a new proflie pic and a new call-sign - either medium-Wabals or Goose
If you are happy about the weight loss so am I. I have been writing really depressing journals.....Life can be too much sometimes. Hope you are doing ok.
Off to New yourk This weekend To be in A 24 hour Play....
Im stiff on vacation... I still feell somehting wrong woith me ... Im loosing weight Ive lost almost 70 poounds ... In look better then I ever have I still have some problems in my head to sort out... Im trying. Im getting more friends , Im doing more things I still feel like a monster oh well im trying better. Oh well and It...
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Congratz on the 70 pounds
I'm on vacation and all I do is worried ..theres streaks on my laptop...I ate too much at the Buffet..Jesus I cant turn my mind off ... Im beginning to think im Schizophrenic or someh=thing ......damn it why cant AI be happy Im gonna look at some ttties and eat a taco...
Im on Vacation ofr a week.... SOme of me does not want to be on Vacation ,,, im afrais when I get back my Job will b e gone ...I think i need this though Havnt been able to sleep or turn my head off... i alsome go ran over by a taxi because Iwant payingattention ... Oh well..Im off to ocean city