Luvre du Malin
Les murs sont gris,
Les arbres sont morts.
Le ciel est gris,
Le jour sendort.
Je suis bien seul
Dans la vie.
Je ne men fais pas,
Car javance.
Et jai compris
Qu mon cas,
Il ya une issue de secours.
Parfois je
Cours vers je ne sais o,
Et je ne me pose pas la question.
Cela importe peu, le savez-vous...
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Les murs sont gris,
Les arbres sont morts.
Le ciel est gris,
Le jour sendort.
Je suis bien seul
Dans la vie.
Je ne men fais pas,
Car javance.
Et jai compris
Qu mon cas,
Il ya une issue de secours.
Parfois je
Cours vers je ne sais o,
Et je ne me pose pas la question.
Cela importe peu, le savez-vous...
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je serai a Paris ce weekend...

After so much tim, more than one year to say, I'm finally "BACK in the saddle again" (Aerosmith) !
I hope you will all enjoy my return among you.
I will tell you if you ask for it what happen in my life during this past year hoping not to bore you.

So one of my dream will be maybe realize
To see my favorite SG girl !

To see my favorite SG girl !

" La Californie stend prs de le mer.
Et ne connait pas l't de l'amer.
La Californie est une frontire entre mer et terre, le dsert et la vie !
La Californie ! La Californie !
La Californie ! La Californie ! "
Extrait de "La Californie" chanson de Julien Clerc.
Et ne connait pas l't de l'amer.
La Californie est une frontire entre mer et terre, le dsert et la vie !
La Californie ! La Californie !
La Californie ! La Californie ! "
Extrait de "La Californie" chanson de Julien Clerc.
"Hi everybody"
That's me ! Back to SG...
After two weeks without my parents ! (It was so cool) The work is going on. Paris is still the same even with all this people returning from holydays.
I bought the last cd of Prodigy ! It's great !
Their music is a bomb !
Bye and

That's me ! Back to SG...
After two weeks without my parents ! (It was so cool) The work is going on. Paris is still the same even with all this people returning from holydays.
I bought the last cd of Prodigy ! It's great !

Bye and

It is a great album 

I'm back everybody there !!! I'm waiting you !

That's me again ! Back from South Italy since a week. Back in Paris. Back to work...

Even that can't make me sad...
I'm happy the same !
Bye and kisses !
P.S.: WE could be so together !
Awwww, merci.
Je vais returner a l'universite dans deux semaines pour etudier Francais!
Then I can talk to you more fluently.
Je vais returner a l'universite dans deux semaines pour etudier Francais!

Then I can talk to you more fluently.

Bien de la force d'esprit de garder le sourire et le moral en retournant au boulot... a fait plaisir en tout cas

That's me ! Back from Quercy which is a part of south France where I made a big party of three days and nights for the 25th anniversary of my best friend !
It was so cool ! Music, good food, alcohol, girls, and.... lot of things !

So for those who wanted to read of one of my poetry I will...
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very pretty from what I understood...
Je suis heureuse... La vie est tres belle.
Je suis heureuse... La vie est tres belle.

It's prettiest in French anyhow. 

Today in France as in lot of country all around the world we celebrate the Music ! In Paris musicians are free to play where they want. That's a great idea to heard different type of Music !

That's an idea of an old french culture minister in the early 80's to make a big party in wich everyone can play or heard music...
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Can I see some of your poetry?

Hello 'vrybody !
I have two fucking parents who doesn't understand that I really want to become a teacher in History ! They don't help me !
One day I know I will be teacher, nothing else. And the only person I will thank about it... It will be Me and only Me !
That prove that in this bloody fuckin' world you...
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I have two fucking parents who doesn't understand that I really want to become a teacher in History ! They don't help me !

One day I know I will be teacher, nothing else. And the only person I will thank about it... It will be Me and only Me !

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Ca va, Beren?
Il faut que tes parents te comprennent meiller que cela...
Mais, generelament, ils ne sont pas plus que un peu preoccupees a ton futur.
J'espere que tu s'amuse bien avec tes amis dans le sud de la Fance!!

Il faut que tes parents te comprennent meiller que cela...

J'espere que tu s'amuse bien avec tes amis dans le sud de la Fance!!

Teehee, yes I did! Merci Beaucoup!!!!! I've been busy lately but I'll try to make that list of phrases. In fact I cleaned out my car and surprise! I found my school french book! I'll try and write the sentences in french and you can correct my grammer. That way it shouldnt be so difficult!
Hello 'vrybody !
Now we're in june weather is going crazy in Paris. I explain: one day beautiful and shinny
, one day grey and it's raining.
I don't understand this at all.
I've got a problem ! My inspiration is... How can I say ? I don't know how to find it !
I try to write poetry and finish my roman but I...
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Now we're in june weather is going crazy in Paris. I explain: one day beautiful and shinny

I've got a problem ! My inspiration is... How can I say ? I don't know how to find it !

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Oh hmm... I dunno, Im not really that good at thinking of sexy things to say... lemme try to think of some and I'll run them by you when I have some.
zut, je repars demain...
Hi to you !
It's monday 24th of may, an today begin "Roland-Garros" wich is the most famous tournament of tennis in the world. I hope I'll get tickets for this and I like this period of the year. It means for lot of people in France that the holydays are near and that the summer is coming.
I continue to write poetry like I...
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It's monday 24th of may, an today begin "Roland-Garros" wich is the most famous tournament of tennis in the world. I hope I'll get tickets for this and I like this period of the year. It means for lot of people in France that the holydays are near and that the summer is coming.

I continue to write poetry like I...
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LoL, I love the way you make little gramatical mistakes in your writing. Its so cute. It reminds me of how I speak when Im not speaking my mother tongue.
That novel (roman) sounds cool! I would love to read some of your poetry as well!
That novel (roman) sounds cool! I would love to read some of your poetry as well!
We'll see... 

This is not me I'm not mechanical !
I'm just a boy playing...SUICIDE KING !
I'm just a boy playing...SUICIDE KING !

Suicide King?

Sweet littlle rain is falling on Paris and I just return from the market.
Listening a good french folk song I smoke my last cigarette but I don't care !

I bought two packs of JPS and I drunk ten minutes ago a little bier seeing the people walking on the place de la Bastille.
Yesterday night was pretty cool: Trattoria...
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Hello 'vrybody !
Now we are on sunday the 2nd of may !
My parents will be back this evening so...
I smoke and drink until they return
Yesterday night was so cool.
I invite some friends at 8.30 pm to dinner: my best friend An. , his girlfriend Sa. and a friend of her Se. . We drinked some Vodka-Orange juice. We eated "foie-gras"...
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Now we are on sunday the 2nd of may !
My parents will be back this evening so...

I smoke and drink until they return

Yesterday night was so cool.

I invite some friends at 8.30 pm to dinner: my best friend An. , his girlfriend Sa. and a friend of her Se. . We drinked some Vodka-Orange juice. We eated "foie-gras"...
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Hehe, thank you for the Doors lyrics. The audition was good, but I'm not sure that I'll get it. Oh well, it was great experience.

hello there..
but shouldn't a message precede a friend request?
but shouldn't a message precede a friend request?