Well, it's less than 2 months after I moved to NYC and I'll be moving back to MS as soon as I can. I moved to try and see if Stephanie and I would work out, a chance she said she was willing to give me. Today I find out she's decided she wants to date someone else. So the sole reason for me being...
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I spent yesterday evening having a wonderful time with someone special to me at the 5th annual Time Traveler's Picnic on Governor's Island. It was a pretty decent sized gathering of Steampunk enthusiasts, Dr. Who fans, and others of similar interests. I look forward to attending more events like it in the future! One moment was a bit surreal as we encountered a couple whom...
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I can at least cheer for high speed internet access. I'm averaging at least 30+ mbps down and 6-7 up...closer to 50 down/8 up during non-peak hours. Now if I could get my damn Team Fortress 2 working right I'd be even happier.
Past couple of days here in NYC have been a pain in my ass. Lack of air conditioning is getting to me, as well as not knowing enough people. I was very used to being able to hang out with a pretty large group of friends back home, and the one person I really should be able to count on up here is...less available than...
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this damn heatwave has been entirely too much... just oppressive, and i have an air conditioner in my bedroom... it just keeps blowing out the surge protector because of all the demands on the electricity in the house... sigh.. stay cool, hydrate lots and take frequent trips to air conditioned shops and free spaces smile

p.s. you made a reference to a tesla coil in your profile... very very nice my good sir smile
NYC is treating me fairly well so far. I'm acclimating slowly, and picking up new friends as I can. Going out with a few of them tomorrow for a birthday celebration. Looks like we'll be catching Horrible Bosses and then hitting Max Brenner's for food and Heartland Brewery for booze. Should be a good evening out, I'm looking forward to it.
Well, I now live in the Bushwick area of Brooklyn. One hell of a change from Mississippi. It's been pretty good so far, though I am having issues adjusting to some things. Hopefully I'll start expanding my circle of friends here, I only know a couple of people really well so I need to meet more.
So, I mentioned it looks like I'll be moving to NYC last post. I've been dating someone for awhile now, she's originally from near my hometown but moved to NYC 5 years ago. We've had a long distance relationship for awhile, and have long talked about me moving up...things weren't going well a few months back, and she wound up dating someone in NYC for...
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Today has been a really, really good day. I may be living in NYC by the end of summer
Ooh, do tell us more...
There are days when I really hate myself and my life
Aye, me too. Always remember, this too shall pass. smile Hope your day gets better.