ah ha i finally figured out how to scrole through your friends ...well SoPhast did any way
I really like the look and colors but thats because i am a girl who like bright sickenly cute stuff lol
We are going to possibly get Sigmund (my chihauhau) a sister today
Im so excited shes a bostin terrier I really hope it works out
as my...
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I really like the look and colors but thats because i am a girl who like bright sickenly cute stuff lol
We are going to possibly get Sigmund (my chihauhau) a sister today

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chihuahuas are quality dogs there

I really like the look and some of the new features but user ability sucks nuts
i hope the bugs get fixed

i hope the bugs get fixed

they need to bring back the bookmarks page...
I want to go on a date with THIS guy ...he he
but not untill I eat all my fuit loops
but not untill I eat all my fuit loops
that made me giggle 

Give a big hand to the man on the burning tight rope...
"Hes always walked this tight rope..between the devil and the deep blue sea"
If you can name the Band of the song The Man on the Burnign Tight Rope I'll give you major Bell Brownie points ^.~*
I think I'm going to run away and join the circus...is there anyone out there who...
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"Hes always walked this tight rope..between the devil and the deep blue sea"
If you can name the Band of the song The Man on the Burnign Tight Rope I'll give you major Bell Brownie points ^.~*
I think I'm going to run away and join the circus...is there anyone out there who...
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i just joined the circus , i highly recomend it!
tried of the daily lamets and a friend and i ran away,
spent two months on the road, and tasting a new life of wonderful uncertainly.
did you catch any fairies?
tried of the daily lamets and a friend and i ran away,
spent two months on the road, and tasting a new life of wonderful uncertainly.
did you catch any fairies?
I want to frolick in the woods with you

I know Ive pretty much been M.I.A for a few weeks now. I was helping my partner in crime open and run a coffee house. Well as we usually do we were trusting and poured our souls into this. SoPhast (the hubby) busted his proverbial balls and got the doors open in just 2 weeks and helped get it to the point where it is...
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stupid owner.
if the hours were cut that much wont they have trouble running the place? id think so.
anyways i hope he can find a better job soon.

if the hours were cut that much wont they have trouble running the place? id think so.
anyways i hope he can find a better job soon.
wow ive been m.i.a for quite awile now.....my life has been caos as of late and havent had really any time for internet life at all.
SoPhast is running the new coffee house that we just busted butt getting open this weekend and I'm kind of the silent manager/life coach lol so I've been pulling like 12 hours days as of late. It looks ike...
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SoPhast is running the new coffee house that we just busted butt getting open this weekend and I'm kind of the silent manager/life coach lol so I've been pulling like 12 hours days as of late. It looks ike...
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glad tyo see things are going well for you darlin 

girl...this is the first time in 2 months I have set eyes on SG...miss you soooo much!! I can' even find you on myspace anymore...what happened?

grah you ever have those days when you just feeel grahhh for no real reason ..yeah im havign one of those today . I keep trying to be cheerful and forcing my mind to work in coheasion with how i want to feel...but its quite the batle today. I think i'm feeling a bit worn down. I need a vacation *SIGH*
but the other day...
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but the other day...
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wow. that place looks amazing!!!!!!
shoot many photos there you should
shoot many photos there you should
hello!!! sorry i haven't written in soooooo long, unfortunately i've not been online much as of late. i hope all is well with you (hopefully you're no longer feeling grahhh) , i love these photos, especially the 2nd one, i want to just lay down between the rows of trees and let the flowers grow up around me

I think the other day my friend Mo was asking about you.
I think the other day my friend Mo was asking about you.
His name is actually Maurice Nolden. I don't know why he was asking. He just asked if there was a Bella Donna on SG. Of course I looked it up without the hyphen to find a grey member so I said no...but then I saw you in PSW and saw you were from MI and was like OOHHH
Im not sure how much longer i have on this account?? But i dont think i'll be comming back
. As you can tell i havent been on here too much just to check the married wemon group i run and thats it. Its been a fun few years but i think its time for me to move on..but im not sure when that is...
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Well if you do decide to leave, take care sweetie!
It would be a shame to see you go, but if that's what you want to do, rock out.
Sorry I have been MIA
its been a caotic few weeks here. But so far in a surprisenly good way ??
SoPhast's parents are thinking of buying a house and letting us live and care for it and pay him the rent as a way to right it off for taxes and what not ....and SoPhast is also having job offers comming out of...
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its been a caotic few weeks here. But so far in a surprisenly good way ??

SoPhast's parents are thinking of buying a house and letting us live and care for it and pay him the rent as a way to right it off for taxes and what not ....and SoPhast is also having job offers comming out of...
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welll it was my mum who died
oh no that smiley isnt really fitting there but yeah anyway....it is horrible to have a dead mum...

welll it was my mum who died

awww thankyou for the kittycheerup cutie!
I had a lovely lovely weekend. Spent a little too much $ though but egh lol i guess you have to spoil yourself once and awile
I had a particulary nice day today..It was nice and warm so me and SoPhast worked on the yarn and i planted some bulbs
. We'll have the smallest but prettiest garden in town
Also today for an art...
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I had a particulary nice day today..It was nice and warm so me and SoPhast worked on the yarn and i planted some bulbs

Also today for an art...
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just wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes.

Thanks for your comment on my set ... I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank God I learned first aid and cpr!! or the day from the twighlight zone...
I had a scary day at work today (im a caregiver for asweet old lady with alzheimers)...well it was an all around strange day.
But today at work Dita (the sweet lady i care for) started choking seriously. It scared the hell out of me and her but I went...
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I had a scary day at work today (im a caregiver for asweet old lady with alzheimers)...well it was an all around strange day.
But today at work Dita (the sweet lady i care for) started choking seriously. It scared the hell out of me and her but I went...
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hrm. latex corsets will be expensive no matter who you go to unless its shit. Corsets are mega. Vex is top notch, and well worth every penny, imho.
Seraphim is CRAP and cheap for a reason. 'member that. grrrrr....
Seraphim is CRAP and cheap for a reason. 'member that. grrrrr....
Bella_donna said:
how much for
The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past Four Swords
with shipping to michigan?
If the post office will send it First Class Mail, then I would say $12.