Well, got a bunch of pics up finally! Anyone who cares can give them a looksee... or not, whatever you wanna do...

In other news, Dimebag Darrell is dead after he was shot to death at a Damage Plan show last night in Ohio. Apparently, he was shot four times at point blank range. Two audience members are also dead, and a fourth who is...
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is that one picture a branding or a tat?

I agree the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I just hope that when the bombs start to drop it's over quick.that sucks that on that night there had to be some wack job in the croud.
update, bastard!
Yeah! COF was a good freakin' time! Himsa, Bleeding Through, and Arch Enemy (singer... so... hot... ) were with them, and they all did a phenomenal job. People there seemed to be violently opposed to Bleeding Through, though. I don't get it... Oh well, the only downside to it all was the Rave's consistently crappy sound system, which seemed to be a little better than...
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that was a fucking awesome show last night biggrin Though I'll admit I was in the opposition to Bleeding Through, mostly to piss off the teenagers around me LOL. But Bleeding Through's key board player is fucking hot! I liked Arch Enemy the most, they always put on a good show. Ya going to Satyricon sunday? That'll be a decent show though the openers don't seem really appealing.

[Edited on Dec 09, 2004 12:20PM]
Cradle Of Filth in just an hour and a half! WOO!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
wait... what are they doing in an hour and a half? are they coming here? confused
I went to see COF, good show. I have actually heard of Miasmia, my friend Steve told me about them and that they sound a lot like Opeth and they are playing at the Rock Shop on Saturday I beleive.
Just a quick post---> I finally got my digital camera back up and running, and have already snapped a bunch o' pictures. So check my pics soon if you want a peephole into my world of depravity... or something... Anyway, hung out with cupidsvictim last night at a coffee place, and got to meet someone new from SG. What is up with this small, small...
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hmmm, if I met a higher being in the after life I'd probably say nothing and just stare at it. I think I've heard the name Branded at Birth, can't say that I've seen them, though if I did catch them I probably saw them at one of the Rave's pre show events. By the way, have you ever hear of Screaming After Birth or Die Alone?
Miasma righs a bell for me, but I can't say that I've heard them either.
Ugh, I think my partying has caught up with me. Woke up sick as a dog this morning... (Where did that come from, anyway? Just how sick is this dog?). Dragged my sorry ass into work, only to sit around all freakin' day with no business. Whoopee! One good thing came of today, however. I finally cracked the secret of "underlighting". For those who don't...
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So did you guys leave before sleeping beauty. That dude looked like a total ass. Snow rocks I can't wait to hit the hills, hope I don't break anything this year.
heh heh heh... yeah, sleeping beauty didn't wake up before we left. somebody was gonna be carrying him out last night, that's all I know biggrin

[Edited on Dec 05, 2004 5:58PM]
Finally had a day off today, and driving around the city, I found myself thinking once again about the current state of affairs. However, today for some reason, I am reminded that sometimes, other people can put it best when you have trouble finding the words. Here are a couple of quotes I wanted to share that I thought were pretty cool.

"There comes a...
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So, here's the deal. I don't know who else has heard about this, (or who even cares for that matter), but for the people who DO care, it appears that once again there is more than meets the eye with the presidential elections in this country. I just heard from a reliable source the other day that the election may have been stolen again. It...
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Well, haven't been on in quite a while... WAY too much time at the bars!!! For anyone from the Milwaukee area, coming October 25th, at Cush on the east side, there is a "Marked Mondays" event going on that our tat shop is hosting. Trust me, it's a lot of fun... I can't remember the last couple times I was there... whatever Anyway, there is no...
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i really don't dig CUSH, but that's just me. i'm glad to be back in the milwaukee area. i used to live on the trendy east side (they said that on a commercial for Mr. Shoe), but now i'm out in the boonies. i don't miss the rent costs. but i always miss good company.... smile
I really don't dig Cush either. ON every night except for Monday nights, that is. Monday nights, that place is a completely different bar. Give it a shot if you got a free monday night. I promise you won't be disappointed. And yes, good company is hard to come by... wink
For my first entry, I just wanted to say, "What is up, G?" to anyone unlucky enough to stumble upon this entry. Watch your step next time, this kind of shit really sticks to your shoe! biggrin