- on beestealer's blog post
- on Developing apps for both Android and iOS in code monkeys
- on featherj's blog post
- on beestealer's blog post
- on beestealer's blog post
Today my boss asked me why I was wearing a pair of Vans in the office....
I said "They say dress for the job you want to have", he said "Right, exactly?", so I says to him "I always wanted to be a skater"... "Fair play."
Ok, this was a test for the HTML editor for blogs.... it failed. Both marquee and...
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I keep loosing where thee blog button is when I log on and then just not bothering to write a post.
In other news I am trying to learn to touch type. Which is great for me but not so good for anyone that want me to type quickly. I have never really considered myself a pecker at the keyboard, I have always tried to...
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I keep loosing where thee blohg button is when I log on and then just not bothering to write a post.
In other news I am trying to learn to touch type. Which is great for me but not so good for anyone that want me to type quickly. I have never really considered myself a pecker at the keyboard, I have always tried to...
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I keep loosing where thee blohg button is when I log on and then just not bothering to write a post.
In other news I am trying to learn to touch type. Which is great for me but not so good for anyone that want me to type quickly. I have never really considered myself a pecker at the keyboard, I have always tried to...
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Holy fire. I have been watching Shingeki No Kyojin recently and it has been consistently blowing my fragile mind during office lunch breaks (I take an hour... that time, is my time).
I did not draw this... actually it's not so easy to find out who did, but I do like it.
It is excellent and is the only anime that I have watched in
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This fully blew my mind... it's such a cool idea and it looks amazing!
I hear that for many this post was old news, but this is the first time I have seen it and it's super cool.
I am a little annoyed that now with the none paged photo feed and profile feed... I can't go 'back' to the last place I was on these feeds. Just needs to add the profile index to the URL params and change the URL to tell the browser it can go 'back'... This can all be done in AJAX... Would make navigation a bit nicer.
Everything is very stylish now. But I can't help but feel it has been designed by someone in photoshop... and not someone trying to create a compelling user experience.
Don't get me wrong I love beautiful things, the clue is in the subscription, and I don't usually hate change, in fact I tend to embrace it, but some of the navigation seems jarring atm and...
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Dodged a bullet there.
In other news; a Badger seems to have moved into my room and has pitched a tent under my bed. I'd confront the fellow, if it weren't for all these infernal visitors at my window.
No. False alarm.
I just needed to sneeze.

I think I am going to try my best over the next few weeks to get stuff down on paper (keyboard and screen) and keep myself at an entry a week.
I will also try to keep it interesting. In the meantime I am...
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