Two more days until I head home for vacation and birthdday celebrations.

This year will be the first time I've spent a birthday with my family and friends from back home since I turned 17. I'm turning 28 next week, to help give you some sort of perspective as to why this is a big deal.

I left Staten Island a pathetic skinny geek. I...
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Sounds like a blast all around! Glad you are healed up in time for your trip, too - traveling sick sucks, right?

I am about to head back to the South, retrieve my stuff from storage, and drive it across country to my new pad. Then I have a spot of work right when I return, but a housewarming will follow ASAP afterwards - details to follow.

Safe travels and cheers!
So the blood results aren't in yet, but I am pretty much feeling 100% better aside from a slight sore throat. I will probably go into work tomorrow, which won't be so bad because I am leavinvg for a two week vacation on Saturday.

Today I felt so energized that I cleaned out a bunch of crap from my apartment. I am taking a bunch...
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Today my doctor should be getting the results of my blood tests so he can hopefully tell me what virus I have and maybe give me medicine to make it go away.
You've been sick for, what, a week now? That sucks, bro. Good luck at the Doc's - hope you feel better soon!
Guess what. I am actually starting to feel a bit better. If I rest and relax and take it easy this weekend, I should hopefully be right as rain for my trip back home next weekend.

Throat's still a bit sore but my glands aren't as swollen.

I think I'll do some laundry.
Well my fever has gone down. That's nice.

My glands on my neck are still swollen, which makes it painful to talk and my throat is still sore as a motherfucker though.

I think after being sick and cooped up in my apartment for three days, I'm starting to go a little Jack Torrance here.

All work and no play makes Jason a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jason a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jason a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jason a dull boy. All work...
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So apparently I have some sort of viral infection. I went to my doctor and they took a ton of blood and hopefully after they get the results they can give me antibiotics and I will be better in time for my trip to NY next weekend.

I am feeling pretty okay. I managed to get down 1 1/2 Nathan's hot dogs, which is a...
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I'm siick.

New pictures! New profile pic! Has Hell frozen over? I dunno. I'm not the Devil.
Picture courtesy of Mossimo.
Tofay I am going to attempt to cut my DVD collection in half by selling a shitload of them to Amoeba for credit.
Will we see you tonight at Jones?
What is better than the company of good friends?

Nothing I can think of.

Actually, a robot programmed to kill at my command would be pretty sweet.
Turned in my outline for my Spider-Man story to my editor at Marvel today. We'll see how that goes.

The other night my brain opened up and a script poured itself into my head, so this weekend I am gonna start writing in between at-bats at Punk Rock Baseball. If I don't get too drunk.

Remember on the Simpsons when Marge read Homer's old love...
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