I hate this.

One minute I'm fine and the next I feel like I just got punched in the stomach.

Getting dumped sucks.

I hate everything.
yuck. what can i do to make you smile?
I think perhaps a succubus is coming into my room at night and draining my life energy because for some reason I'm exhausted tonight.

Too exhausted to get stoned even! How fucked up is that? The thought of actually going and getting my weed and packing a bowl runs through my head, but I'm like "Meh. I'm too tired."

I wonder how I'm going to...
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may this post give you the feeling of fishing on the open water for 12 hours without a bite then suddenly: whats that? is that a bite? shit it is...ha ha.

anyways, re: Marvel
1) I was a huge Marvel fan growing up and the comics were the first and most important devices to teach me the enjoyment of reading AND art...Spiderman was my favorite. I spent many an afternoon having mock battles with all my Marvel Action Figures.
2) in homage to my childhood i emblazoned a Spiderman Tat on my right shoulder...much love.
3) went to the Hulk last night....70% was total rubbish, mostly due to the poor performances of Eric Bana (i felt like in the middle of the shooting they came to the conclusion that he has no acting range, therefore lets not put in any range with the charecter). And as fucking beautiful as Jennifer Connely is I felt every scene she had she was in the same emotional state...seduction. Even the scenes with her father? thats wack.
BUT 30% was fucking brilliant!!! As excruciating as it was to wait so long for Hulk to appear, when he did it was one helluva ride. They captured his sensitive side just as effectively as his brute strength...and my oh my was he fuckin dope in those action scenes.
Finally, Nick Nolte saved the day on the acting front (once they finally let him act)...Sam Elliott was fairly stellar too, and the lone acting moments came when those two shared the screen.

long winded but, heck...i'm all jacked up from my morning coffee

"The Wire" is the best show on TV. I suggest you start watching.
I am completely miserable.
i'm sorry, love.

i'll see you in a month . . . maybe it'll be better then.
I know people have been worried about "Hulk" from the previews, but trust me it's like no comic book movie you've ever seen.
Almost made it a month without writing an entry in this thing.

Saw "Hulk" last night, and admittedly I'm prejudiced because I work for Marvel and all, but it fucking rocked.

Then I came home and got dumped.

Well, not dumped per se. My girl told me that she needs some time to evaluate how she feels because, while she does love me, she thinks...
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i dunno what to say.

i'm jealous.

[Edited on Jun 11, 2003]
First pic of Hellboy from his upcoming movie is up.

Fuck he looks sweet. I cannot fucking wait to see this movie.
Without giving away too much, those things on his head are the nubs of his not-fully-grown-in horns.
thanks for the support smile
You'd think after not writing in this thing for a week that I'd have something remotely interesting to discuss.

But I don't.

Maybe I just lead a dull life?
what about being in love???
Ohhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaah. Yeah that's pretty cool, that love thing.
OK everybody. X2 came out today. As you guys may or may not know I work at Marvel Studios. So here's your chance someone who worked on the movie what you think of it.

Be gentle...
i'm really excited to see it!!

too bad i'm broke . . . gonna have to wait.
I am sure you worked hard and derseve your kick ass job, I am just a little jealous.

I loved the film. You should be proud. Marvel is on a roll now and I hope the Hulk continues it.

But can you use your powers as a marvel insider for good ? Then please get Nala an audition as psylocke when they make Xmen3? wink

Maybe if we start a petition? I know youre thinking a porn site girl and unknown actor cast in X3! but I think it would be great think of the publicity when it leaked out! Then of all the nerdy guys in their 30's flocking to see what this porn site woman looks like, They are the movie's main demographic anyways.

Of course I'm not certain Nala is an actor let alone interested or if psyloke is in x3 or for that matter if they are going to make a third one but hey if Bruce Springsteen's fans can dream of him in the white house and then try to pressure him to run for president with out asking him then I say Nala's admirers can push for her to be in X 3

ah nevermind,,,, I am delerious with sleep deprivation...
can you forget I ever mentioned it? and I will just owe you a case of beer?
Starting tomorrow night, I'll be seeing Rocket from the Crypt 3 nights in a row.

And you won't.

Unless you are.

In which case be sure and buy me beer.
I worked my ass off, sacrificed a lot, moved to the other side of the country and left all my friends and family behind, and on a few occassions was very lucky.

[Edited on May 03, 2003]

[Edited on May 07, 2003]
So I was just watching the news, and I learned the following:

1. The government has concerns with the leader of Syria's ability to keep terrorists from crossing into his country.

2. The government has had serious problems with the leader of Syria since he came to power and have never felt confident with his ability to keep terrorists out of his country.

3. The...
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whats up kid... you dont love me anymore?
i say fuck it bomb texas they have oil too
This rocks.
Geeze, don't have anything to say, but I stumbled in here and felt the need to post. Hmm. Just saw Rocket fromthe Crypt about a month ago. Good taste.
You know what cracks me up?

People who want democracy for Iraq, but when someone protests the war they get called "un-American."

That shit confuses me more than trying to figure out all the time travel twists in the movie "Millenium."

Kris Kristofferson, why must you fuck with my head?
i just saw irreversable again... i think im going to vomit.