The door man at Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles knows my name.

I am officially cool.
re: Preacher

a grahpic/narrative epic masterpiece
that hellboy tatoo sounds interesting
Oh yes, oh yes Friday is almost upon us. And to celebrate that fact I bought myself a pizza from D'Amore's Pizza Connection. The only place in LA my NY pizza snob ass will get pizza from. They ship all the ingredients in from the East Coast. And that my friends, makes all the difference. It's not AS good as actual NY pizza, but it's...
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Tonight I actually stooped so low as to smoke a cigarette while listening to "So Lonely" by the Police while staring at the spot she'd sit in when we'd smoke.

I am officially an asshole.
And so a three day weekend comes to an end, which is basically just three days with me being completely miserable and not having work to distract myself from it.

I've tried getting back on the dating horse, so to speak and it just isn't working.

I can't even stomach looking at another girl.

I don't know if there are stages to a break up,...
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it just takes time, jason. some relationships are harder to get over than others. i'm sorry you're so sad. i'd cheer you up if i was there. i'd buy you some chicken and waffles. kiss
To celebrate the fact that today Los Angeles is hoter than Hell, I shall get stoned and watch "Predator 2."

Get it? Because the Predators are attracted by extreme heat, and "Predator 2" is set in Los Angeles.

It'll also serve as good primer to prepare me for the sure to be terrible sequel "Terminator 3."

Then I shall fall asleep on my couch in...
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I love my job.

Yesterday we sat in the conference room for 30 minutes arguing about the "Fantastic Four" movie.

And today we were joking around about Dr. Doom.

"Bah! Doom asked for ranch dressing! Millions will suffer!"

And only 3 other guys get to know what that feels like.

Luckiest. Geeks. Everrrrrrr.

So I just got back from seeing "28 Days Later" and I thought it was great.

Fans of out and out gore horror/George Romero zombie movies might think it a bit tame, but Danny Boyle realizes that bodies being ripped limb from limb and people vomiting blood all over the place is only scary for about 2 minutes.

Yeah, when it first happens it's a...
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we just got back too. LOVED IT.
Is it Friday yet?
I can't find my Hello Nasty CD which is really annoying, but not as bad as being punched in the stomach.
No, not yet. I'm not happy about the whole situation!