My dad is in the other room right now watcing "Blue Crush." I can't think of any other reason he'd be watching it than to check out the girls in bikinis.


My dad needs to control his raging hormones.

Then again, I'm in the study checking out the latest SG set...

Like father, like son!
hehehe blue crush nice...

i like your glasses...my glasses suck frown
i am new...and my friend is with u right now in LA......take care of her. cause really shes mine and shes only out on lend


having fun???
My dad and I went into the city (Manhattan) today. I made him track down the Joe Strummer mural (photos forthcoming) and he made me go see some jazz trio which consisted of two really talented guitarists and some whacked out Brazillian broad who kept popping her cheeks and played something called a "thumb piano."

Tomorrow, I am heading back to LA. Thanks to my...
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So I've left my mom's and headed over to my dad's, who thankfully has a cable modem which has allowed me to catch up on almost a week's worth of SG sets. My head nearly exploded from the overload of insanely gorgeous girls.

Today's my old man's birthday. We went to see "The House of Sand and Fog" with my grandma. Turns out that's not...
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hmmm...you're in the la area...you should come to an open sgla event and meet us!
well thank god...cause if they ended in blood, gore, and a large body count, i'd be really worried. whatever
Vacation Day #5 of 14, aka Chirstmas Eve.

In the words of the great Homer Simpson: "Merry Everyone!"
So there's my friends from high school. Best friends going on 14 years now. There's Mike (who we call Aardvark), Marc, and Bill. I used to think there was nothing I wouldn't do for any one of them but it seems I was wrong. Bill's an acoholic. At first, I didn't see it as clearly as everyone else. I'm the only one who left. They...
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Saw "Bad Santa" today. Pretty funny movie, ruined only by the obnoxious kids who would not shut the fuck up behind us. I miss movie-going in LA where people respect the golden rule of silence.

Fucking Staten Islanders.
Today I fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours while I was reading a book.

Vacations are the best thing ever.
i'm going home tomorrow . . . well, not home (since i've never lived there) but to my mom's. i love being around my family at chirstmas.

and i wasn't kidding, before. kiss blush
So I'm back on Staten Island visiting the fam for the holidays.

It's windy and like, 30 degrees out. I love it. I miss weather. LA never has any.

Last night I went out with my high school chums and got thoroughly soused, and today I went to my favorite pizzeria and stuffed my face.

As I type this, I'm sitting in my childhood room...
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poor you. tongue
24 hours later, cranium intact I have just arrived home from seeing Return of the King.

I never cry, ever.

I must've cried at about 5 different points while watching that movie.

What an amazing film.
Had my review today.

Long story short, I got:

- A raise

- A bonus

- A promotion

- More stock

I am a happy. happy boy.

Now I have to make it through these last few hours before I see Return of the King without my head exploding from anticipation.
just ask me to . . . i'll move to la.
In 4 days I will be back home, stuffing my face with pizza and getting drunk with my friends from high school.

Next week is our annual bar crawl.

There will be cold weather, no leaves on the trees, and I'll start tawkin like a Noo Yawkuh again cawz I'm shawh my accent'll come out once I'm around my friends.

I spent all weekend uploading...
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