My glasses broke and I had to get new ones.

I'm sort've bummed over it. My old ones were made by Converse (pre-Nike buyout, thank you very much) and the screws that held the arms onto the frame were shaped like stars.

The new ones I got are fancier and not as nerdy looking, and there's no stars.

I miss my old glasses.

Now my...
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sorry sweets.
So I'm all better now.

I start therapy tomorrow night. I wonder if the doctor'll try to hypnotize me on my first regular visit, or if we have to build up to it. I wonder if I can even be hypnotized? I wonder if it'll be like Donnie Darko and I'll just shove my hand down my pants?

I just saw that movie for the...
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most people could be put under! you could be one of them!good luck!
So thanks to a case of food poisoning, I'm home today.

I've never had food poisoning before.

It's truly as awful as everyone has said.

I was puking so much before that it came out my nose!

ewwww thats the worst!! you poor thing! what did you eat?
get on aim, loser. kiss kiss kiss
I swear the iPod is the fucking best invention of all time. I have so many CD's that there are some I've not listened to in what must be YEARS and now thanks to this wonderful little device, I can rock out at work all day. I'm listening to the Hot Snakes at the moment. I forgot how much I love this band. And over...
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I love my iPod. Well... love/hate. I love that I've got 500+ CDs stored, with an extra 20GB of portable hard drive.

I hate that in 18 months (well, 17, now), the battery is going to die, and Apple is going to cheerily offer me a refurb for the low low price of $100 US.

Yay evil!
This whole "not having a tree" thing is NOT going well.

Today I was walking from the kitchen to the living room and as I came around the corner the girl across the way was in HER living room (we have the same layout) and we locked eyes and froze there for a minute just staring at one another. I mean, what the fuck do...
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maybe you should just bite the bullet and move out of the valley.
you should jack off in front of your window while smoking the biggest joint ever... that should do it.

Some jackass thought it would be a good idea to cut down the tree outside my window that provided a nice shield between my living room window and the living room window of the apartment across from me. Consequently, I can now see everything going on in there and vice versa. What happens if I wanna watch porn!? The girl across the way will totally...
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kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

[Edited on Jan 10, 2004 6:07AM]
You know what I find to be the most depressing post-holiday spectacle? All of the dead Christmas trees wrapped up in garbage bags outside people's houses.
I totally have a crush on the Weiner World girl from that Pepsi commercial.
thats funny i totally have a crush on the pepsi boy. hahah i tell everyone that.
ha ha, me too
Ahhhhh back at work.

My boss gave me his badass Spider-Man 2 jacket today. It's lined with fleece, which makes it a perfect counter to the bizzare cold weather we've been having at night around here lately. I can see my breath! What the fuck is that all about?!

So I spent the last week of my vacation here in LA-LA land. I saw "Return...
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Well, it's the new year so I suppose it would be appropriate to list my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Read all of the books in my "to read" pile. I am sorry to admit that this is a holdover from LAST year's resolutions.

2. At least TRY to finish my script.

3. Begin therapy and sort out me noggin.

4. Try and find a nice...
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Nice resolutions smile
How many do you think you'll actually keep?
Not to be skeptical or anything