Blah blah blah work blah blah blah girl rocks blah blah blah parties blah blah blah rain rocks blah blah blah 24 soon blah blah de fuckin blah.
Disney bought the Muppets.

There is no God.
Great name...I think at one time I actually knew like all the lyrics to most of their songs....I still might on some of the really good ones. biggrin
muppets are a shade of god.
Bouncing Souls/Hot Water Music/Randy two nights in a row = me with black and blues all over my body and my knuckles all bloodied and pulped from punching the stage a lot during HWM's set.

Best. Time. Everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Then I got a call yesterday saying that it turns out the office will be closed tomorrow for the holiday.

Ok I'm gonna go get stoned and...
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I've just realized that now that I have contacts, I'll have to remove my glasses from the list of 5 things I can't live without. Hm. I'll have to come up with a new 5th thing.

Maybe I'll be a total asshole and put my iPod on the list.
i can't imagine you without glasses.
Today I actually read the scripts I have to read for work, rather than procrastinate.

Go me!

*pats self on back*
I must now endure the annoying Monday after the Superbowl where everyone talks about it and the commercials, neither of which I saw because I didn't watch the stupid fucking thing.
the torture of a world run by brahs.
i agree the superbowl is way stupid!!! puke
So today I went to the comic book store, and as I was pulling up I saw this girl leaving the shop.

If you could've gone into a lab and built what would be considered Jay's ideal girl, this would've been it. Exactley my type.

When I parked and rounded the corner, I glanced down the block and she was still walking, so I resolved...
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jealous as fuck.
Work has been brutal lately. The weekend cannot come soon enough.

Two weeks till the Bouncing Souls/Hot Water Music show. Two nights in a row!
Re: Cute boy thread...

I don't think you can post myspace images to other boards. Sorry. You'll have to upload here to link.
I've got a song stuck in my head walkin down street number nine.

I sing it out loud with my friends and we're all havin a good time.

We all waited for weeks now we're hangin on the street in NYC.

We gotta go to the show even though we're all under age.
I hate getting songs stuck in my head especially if they suck!
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love.

- Martin Luther King,...
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maybe you should try to win the lottery too. thanks.
p.s. i didn't win again. blackeyed fingers crossed for tuesday!!! biggrin