Wizardworld LA is this weekend.

That should be pretty fun.

My coworkers are all "Are you gonna get a hotel to stay the night down there?"

It's in fucking Long Beach! That's like... 45 minutes from LA. Fucking west coast pussies.

And the really pathetic thing is they're all from the east coast!


So what else what else?

I'm writing again, which is nice....
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it made my brain explode.
Okay, small world time: one of my bestest pals, Ben Rock, did the "Inside the B.P.R.D." short / special feature for Hellboy! I'm guessing you know him? I have the script right in front of me, actually. I was supposed to work on it but had to go do a movie out of town that conflicted, dammit!

And that social thingy I mentioned in email is getting closer to reality, I think. Details to follow. Cheers!
Today I get to sort out all of my receipts to take to the accountant on Friday to get my taxes done.


taxes are for sucker.

kill bill vol 1 soundtrack is for awesome.
Hi! biggrin
Am I the only one who misses Huey Lewis and the News?

Goddamn, they rocked.

"Sports" was one of the first albums I had on vinyl.

i really would be interested to hear more about hypnotherapy...And yes, you may be the only one missing Huey Lewis and the News ;-)

take care,

jjs III
So tonight I'm doing laundry.


I fucking hate doing laundry.

The laundry room in my apartment building is in this room with no windows down a really long hallway with a timer light switch, so sometimes when I'm back there the lights go out and the room goes totally black. When I'm stoned and that happens I practically have a heart attack.

Audra is...
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one time...the three of us, while trying to see a show in New Jersey..well we were goign to visit someone in New York, but that didn't work and we tried to leave but we ended up driving towards Staten Island because...we suck with directions...
Not much to say today.

The Shield will be on soon.

Seeing Against Me! on Friday. First show-going experience with Audra. Should be pretty fun.

Got Futurama Season 3 on DVD today.

Apartment is hotter than hell.

Downloaded 3 new Hot Water Music songs I didn't have off iTunes.

Time to go cook chicken cutlets.
*snif snif* i wish i had a mac. i dont know how to use them anymore, but i loved our old mac so much. hmm, and you've been a member for a year, and yet i have twice as many posts.... i think i need to learn how to stop talking... i think i'll work on that tomorrow. anyway, didnt mean to, like, attack you personally or anything, it just seems like a whole lot of people have troubles, although i guess they could all have macs... in which case, more power to them!
I admit, it's pretty fuckin cool that Steve Buscemi is on the Sopranos this season, but am I the only one who's more psyched about Robert Loggia?

Did you see the look on his face when he was talking about fucking that guy up in jail in last night's episode?

That dude is gonna fuck someone up, bad.

So we're getting to that time of year where I get home from work and my apartment is a fucking oven.

I love the Vall, but sometimes it's a real bitch.
the valley is awesome! dont you just love that fucking heat we had today? NICE. gonna get up to 110 again soon....can't wait!
Before she left for her parents' this morning, she left me six cigarettes for me to find when I woke up.


Just finished spring cleaning.

I cleared out some of my poster collection, and set aside the ones I want to get framed: PI, Spidey 2, the Thing, the Punisher, and X2.

Then I went through my clothes and pulled a bunch of stuff to drop off at Goodwill.

Now I have to drop stuff off at the dry cleaner, head to the comic shop, and...
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it isn't fair that you meet girls to date, and i meet zero boys to date.
I'm kind've getting sick of everyone bitcing about how Johnny Depp and Bill Murray got robbed.

A.) Johnny Depp pretty much owes his entire mystique to Sean Penn.

B.) Bill Murray was robbed when he wasn't nominated for "Rushmore," which, in my opinion was a much better performance than the one he gave in "Lost in Translation."

C.) Ben Kingsley was the one who really...
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i agree with B, but you have to laugh inside everytime you picture bill in lost in translation: "well, a ring a ding ding."
Yes, yes, yes.

I am absolutely fucking thrilled about "Return of the King" and Peter Jackson.

But aside from all that greatness, I have to say it's about fucking time Errol Morris got an Oscar.