Last night, the people in the apartment below me were playing their music so loud they rattled my windows at 1:30 in the morning.

Being the old bastard that I am I punched the floor in an effort to get them to shut the fuck up.

Being the pussy that I am, I think I jammed my fingers or bruised my hand, or something.

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Well... see how good the Emerson network works...

Yesterday is a bit of a blur.

Punk rock baseball followed by a Dodgers game and a lot of beer in the company of good friends.

All in all, a pretty satisfying day.
I held my ice cream too long and now I can't feel my left hand.

Hey bro! Would you like the honor of posting our first event in the group? I'll be happy to do it if you're busy. Let me know.

And good idea! Seems like everyone's down. Cheers!
If you wanna repost the deal yourself I understand. Sorry!
Yeah so Hellboy was ok.

Not as great as it should have been, but I'm not ashamed to be sporting my tat.

Ron Perelman nailed it, but the story was really week. I don't care about the changes they made (except that totally lame romantic interest in Liz Sherman. Maybe if Selma Blair had been better, it woulda been different), but just the writing was...
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hey so are you a film maker as well? your cute... just though i would let you know that... heh
was it any good?
So the coworkers won't be able to read the treatment till the weekend. I figured as much. Work is crazy at the moment. I was at the office till 8:15 tonight.

The interns gave me some good notes on it though, so I'm going to be doing some revising over the next couple of days.

This is the most I've written in a long, long...
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best of luck to you
Man, taking the leap, huh? Best of luck to you with that! Having a series is a long-term goal of mine, but truthfully it is so far out of my scope right now it amounts to nothing more than a notion.

Drinks this week? How's your schedule?
I totally forgot the Ladykillers was coming out this weekend.
"When there is no more room in Hell and the dead walk the earth, I look
forward to kicking zombie ass with you."

That might be the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.

...loved your "asshole hollywood' riff...i've got a friends on the creative side...i'd be happy to give you a shout next time we get together at the beanery or porn star karioke. we can slam the hwood system and plot a new universe
You ever do the thing where you don't listen to a band for a really long time and then all of a sudden get the urge to listen to them again?

I go through these jags where I'll just listen to one band constantly until I OD on them, and then move on to another band.

Today is Wizard World LA. I have to go...
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I do the band burnout thing all the time. And I also keep old faves nearby, even when I'm burned out on them...

after all, I never know when the urge to hear "What's the Story, Morning Glory?" for the millionth time will strike out of the blue.

As for the other thing: yes - drinks soon would be good. Details TBD, eh?