Went to a Roller derby bout Saturday and it was great. First bout was super close and was back and forth a bit. Second bout of the night was against a visiting team and just walked away with the game. Derby is so awesome.
Heading to Safeco field for the Seahawks parade!
I don't always go to parades but when I do, so do half a million other people...
To not say anything to a past love... drunk and alone and searching the internet for her. I see her, new picture, happy and smiling. Takes everything to not say anything to her.
Going camping this weekend. Haven't been camping in I don't know how long.
Well, things have been pretty great lately. Still steady with the girl I went out with on the 4th of July. Just started up crossfit at a local outfit and it's a really good set up. A week in to working out again and I'm feeling really good. I'm no where near where I was when I was in Turkey but I'll get back there....
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What a great last few days. Went to Mayhemfest and every band that I wanted to see sounded amazing. Spent the 4th with a girl, actually spent something like 40 hours straight with her. Had a 4 hour break and then spent another 2 days with her. She has a similar family back ground and we were sitting talking about how we're not big on...
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This weekend was a pretty good one. Went to a Roller Derby match on Saturday night and then went and met a girl about an hour away. We'd been talking for a while but finally had a chance to meet. There was a Pirate celebration thing in the next town over. So we went there, ate a little lunch, had a beer and walked around....
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Oh well, shit's a bust. Starting over. Live and learn
Sorry love. 

I've never really dated before. Like, actually go out on dates, take the time before just jumping in the sack. Not that is ever bad but this is a new experience for me. So far it seems to be going well.
Had been chatting with a girl, and one day around noonish we were texting and she said she was needing a ride to her...
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Had been chatting with a girl, and one day around noonish we were texting and she said she was needing a ride to her...
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I used to post here sometimes when I was depressed and didn't want to bother anyone who I actually knew or answer questions or deal with it all. Sometimes just putting it out there makes it a little better.
I've been doing pretty good about keeping my walls and foundations strong. There is always that feeling in the back of my mind that things will...
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I've been doing pretty good about keeping my walls and foundations strong. There is always that feeling in the back of my mind that things will...
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Blog update with new blog.
Bla bla bla
Bla bla bla
Was kind of a shitty span of holidays. I'm on leave for 2 weeks now and I originally took the time off to spend with someone but now she's no longer in my life so I went snowboarding instead. Going to see Devin Townsend and Gojira this weekend. Life is good, lonely but good.