Someone please take my scissors away and hide them from me.
that's great!!! where are you planning on traveling? i know there is a midwifery school up there in seattle... might have to take a trip up to check it out smile.
*takes scissors and hides*
I think I've lost the ability to chew properly. I've bitten myself about 4 times (Edit: Aarg, make that 6... with only 1 repeat bite) within a week while eating blackeyed Go me!

Valentine's Day is coming up. Hoorah? I've never had a Valentine whatever Go me?

I have a job in a city that I really don't like driving to tomorrow morning puke Go me.

hahaha! i know!
i want my 300+ days of real sunshine back. but at least today felt like spring. all the trees are about ready to explode with life, i can just feel the energy in the air. and that means it'll be getting warmer.
is it bad that i'm already sick of this seasons shit? it makes me weary just thinking on doing this for 60 more years or something.
this is the time of year for love to die, it seems like. at least if it's going to die.
and i think it's just me finally getting sick of winter this year. usually i get all up on it but not this year. i really don't care for this last sputter of winter around here. i want it to be spring and then summer. i want to go out and harvest seaweed and eat it right out of the water. i want to eat trees and shrubs and plants. i want it to be vibrant and alive with long days and warm nights.
i guess it's a bit odd not to enjoy the cycle of life coming and going and coming again. maybe if i didn't have a calender it'd be better.
Well, I survived the week. Final tally is just over 71 hours... only 11 1/2 was split between the weekend days with 2 different families, and the remaining 60ish hours was crammed into the weekdays with 10-14 hour days with a single family surreal

I'm tired. But it was a lot more tollerable than expected because during the week, the mom slowly made her way out...
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I just found your post very entertaining. I think it's because I can relate to it since I am a nanny as well. Do you work through an agency?
you might try Red Root. it helps get lymph moving and clean. tie on a bit of Lomatium and you could be a very happy camper. that's just my unqualified opinion, though.
the bastyr docs have overprescribed anti-biotics twice within my friend group last week. i'm not speaking to them for at least a week.

and dear lord you need to just sleep for your day off! i couldn't do what you've just finished doing.
way to go on rocking the vote, hun! if you ever want to talk shop i'm always open. i have my opinions and i'll always throw something fresh in the mix.
figure out how to let down mr. not quite right? god i hope so.
I'm looking at working up to 66 1/2 hour total this week. I have 22 1/2 under my belt already from the weekend and today. Everything after 40 hours is time and a half biggrin I will quite literally be doubling my typical weekly pay if I do get scheduled for the last 22 hours (Thurs & Fri) that are still pending. I'm going be be...
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yeah, i hope you like something in there because that's that jumped out in my media player library. i might have to start looking deeper or getting into my vinyl for more ideas.
oh! if you don't know Calexico you really need to. they're amazing. they came with Salvador Duran last year, best concert i've ever seen.

and read read read! lol. it's long but well worth the effort. makes you realize that even the people what are trying to appear green are in fact just another front of the corporate raping of the earth. or so i've heard...
Thank you. I hope that kid is good, I couldn't imagine running around after a child that much wheww!
It's official. I'm in love with Oscillococcinum (try saying that 3 times fast). It's a homeopathic for the flu that a family friend recommended one of the last times I got sick. This time I took it religiously, even setting my alarm to take it in the middle of the night and early morning. 24 hours after I started taking it... I got my appetite...
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Wow. Yea. I remember all of that, too.
It is cool to see you are still holding down the 'Supernatural' group.
You have got to be fucking kidding me!
I have the flu for the 3rd time in 10 weeks.
I'm so done with being sick whatever
Yeah I'm in the same boat... I just keep getting the flu too and blah puke puke puke
Hope you feel better soon, this is the first time I haven't been feeling well in a long time, it sucks. kiss
This week is pretty lame, isn't it?

On a related note, dating sucks blackeyed
oh that's just no good at all. he didn't call back, did he?
Still needing somewhere fro Edinburgh, my couch is still available.
I have to wake up at 4:30am for the next 2 days to be at work at 7am surreal
I did it today too... not fun. I don't remember the last time I fell asleep at 9:40pm.
It snowed tonight, which is going to make tomorrow morning suck ass.
I'm not having fun this week... but at least the kids is cute, so it makes the...
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did this morning not suck? it took us almost an hour to get to school because people around here are retards in the snow and ice.
i have to be up at 6 the next two days to be at school for 8 a.m. anatomy class; to which i say bullocks.
we never did figure out about meeting. any desire to do so soon?
yeah, i'm still up...being a silly boy because tomorrow i'll have even more problems than usual keeping myself awake through anatomy. the gals got a voice which just drones on and on.
i always hated the northgate interchanges. the mixture of the express lane only exit on the left with the merging on the right always creates traffic. i really do believe a 4 year old child could design a better freeway system using nothing but tinker toys.
and do think and get back to me. i figured i'd leave the ball in your court since i've had my fair share of awkward meetings of online friends.
anywho, hopefully you're sleeping tight and you'll be up right on time again this morning.
Man am I happy for the week to be over.

I was not enjoying working for the family I got this week.
1. They have a nanny-cam and it's very uncomfortable to be watched. Do not want.
2. Kid's got jet lag from India so I've had to adjust his sleep schedule this week (he's 12 months old).
3. The whole family has gotten sick...
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ugh, i don't like your job this week, either. why do they need a nanny-cam if they're home half the day?

that book is awesome. i want one.
Last night I went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show with a few friends. I had so much fun. There's a theatre in West Seattle that does a midnight showing of it on the first Saturday of every month. I've known about it for a long time, but have never gone (and yes, I've seen the movie). It was terribly cold out, in the 30's,...
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Lets' do the time warp again.

lucky with those CDs.