I was talking to my friend back in Seattle (as you should know, I'm in Arizona right now) and he mentioned Raamstein. After I hung up with him, I got on the computer and, out of boredom, decided to search Raamstein on Google. What was weird was that my name on SG (KeineLiebe) showed up as a search result shocked It showed my favorite bands as...
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Google found you because of your unique way of spelling Rammstein.
thank you sweetie! kiss kiss
Hmmm...... I haven't added to my journal in a while.
I was at ButcherFX's house for like the first 2 days here. Got to see my nephew,his mouth is like a magnet to anything that is in his reach haha. He's so quick too.
I saw my friend, Morgan, for 3 days. And now I'm with what I like to call, "my second family". I've...
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Ok if you insist.."you're weird"

Dont worry we are all weird in our own ways.

I think its good that you are interested in history and the significance of the places you visited. 23 rolls though...fuck!

Get a digital my dear!
I gotta say with the weather weve been havin lately you can't be missing the weather of AZ too much...but what do i know..i like the cold ;-) I won't really call you weird, maybe mor imaginative...hehe...or creative might be a good one..hope your havin fun.
Welp, I'm in Arizona! It actually doesn't feel as hot as I expected it would. I guess I haven't gotten THAT used to Seattle weather, beside, Seattle weater prepared me, it's been warm there lately.
My nephew is soo cute! I'm so happy to see him again. He turned 7 months yesterday and pulls himself up to stand and walk around the coffee table (he...
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Sounds like you are a happy little thing, which is good news. you must be a happy sweaty thing in that weather. 105? oh my. Thank god the weather is so variable over here, I would melt faced with that everyday.

Max sounds like he is maturing, next he'll be making himself coffee, picking up girls and stealing cars. Well, give it another week or so..

Your profile pic still looks evil, when you gonna change it?!
thank you for your nice words. maybe speak to you over the weekend.. kiss
Yay Arizona!
I go to Arizona today, I may die of heat stroke, but I'll die happy as long as I see my sis and the kid first (and a few other people, if possible, first haha). So yeah, it's really early morning (just before 6am), my mom just left for work, I now have to take a shuttle to the airport (I don't like...
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Welcome back to porn world kiddo smile
Well, I'm back! tongue
we missed you so much. kiss
Umm, I didnt notice you had left. wink

You have come back quite aggressive (must be the forceful German-attitudes rubbing off) and quite prone to huge bouts of sleep, which is a strange combination if you think of it. Are you a female badger?
So, I got back the other day from our week long travel around Germany. We went to Berlin for 2 days, went to Muchen (Munich, it's the same place) for 2 days and had the best ice cream ever at a place called Gino's. The area that Gino's is in is like MINIville. We walked around about 3 blocks and i saw probably 8 MINIs...
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..and you miss me right? wink

Sorry I had to go this morning. All sounds pretty interestting apart from that crazy old bitch, you should have told her she needs to improve if she wants to be an SG girl.. tongue
sounds like your having a good time.

the rain has arrived just in time for your visit. call me when you get back to the states so we can arrange the pick up.

lots of love kiss
Hey! We went to Straburg, France today. Had to walk up a spiral staircase to get to the top of the cathedral and back down them... which was a bit scaring and made me dizzy. And more spiral staircases at the European Parliment... had to take boring hour long tour there. As my friend said, when i get home, i don't ever want to go...
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I'm leaving for Germany tomorrow!!! tongue I wonder if I'm gonna go nuts? My teacher is weird, doesn't know what "personal space" is. I think she's gonna make me go nuts. surreal Welp, think I should get back to packing, huh? whatever
Crazy, I was going through past journals and it appears, your entry coincided with a new journal page. So, I never saw it. Now youre off on travels. Well, fun stuff

Yes, I am a Reiki master. But more specifically, I have practiced Kung Fu and Qi Gong for 22 years now. I have come to see energy as energy and understand the necessity of different paths.

Well rap a little more on your return. Take care, lol
i'm gonna miss you. who's going to talk to me when i'm up till 2 in the morning? who am i going to tell when Max does something super cute? i guess i can live without you for 3 weeks. tongue have some extra fun for me. love ya.
Welp, got the Benz back today. It doesn't drive very smoothly anymore though.... of couse. whatever Today I hung out with a friend that I sort of had a falling out with a year ago, it was so nice to joke around with her again. smile
Re:Makes Me Sad. Oh I only said "retard" once..c'mon gimme a break! shocked
that profile pic is scary shocked

reminds me of the bit in The Ring where they have all visions. You spooky German girl.
Well, my 66 Mercedez Benz is sitting in a Taco Bell parking lot right now. I went in to get food with some friends, came back out and it wouldn't start up. So if you pass by a Taco Bell in Shoreline and see an old blue car, laugh at it, laugh histerically at it cause it's a shit car! What's the funniest thing about...
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i'm laughing with you not at you. i swear. tongue
Im sorry about the chat last night. It was 3.00am and I couldnt stay awake.. blush

The website I mentioned..err...myspace.com?
Fun stuff. I think we have a virus on our desktop computer which is making it sooo freaking slow, so now I'm using my mom's laptop.
1 week till I leave for Germany! I think I'm going to go nuts! I don't know how I'm going to stand being with my crazy German teacher for 3 1/2 weeks! She's a wierd lady and she drives...
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Hello. I was curious about acupuncture. I see youre into it. (Member page key word) I have been into eastern studies for most of my young and adult life, like into Kung Fu for 22 years and have taught for 7. It start from early trauma, but has blossomed into life without fear, toward energy practice, qi gong, thi chi, and the like. I teach an energy oriented class all about not being part of violence and we practice developing the second skin as I have come to call it, to be the calm center. All this to say, feel free to use inside language Any who

I have never had acupuncture, but use acupressure regularly. I have always wanted to get into it or at least experience it. There is no one in my area with experience. If you have a moment I would like to get into it, and hear what you have to say.

Otherwise, have fun, and put a boot into it. Have an uber time in German.
Beware of German changing rooms. shocked