sitting here with a beer, watching it rain :)
So the rollercoaster that is my life has been pretty hectic. Putting shitloads of hours in at work. I am some what at whits end. My weekend just started. Frig'n cheers. I caught this little bugger the other day, and thought I just might have to tweak the shit out of him,
For shit and giggles. I am the one with the rose colored glasses.
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So I finally got up with my friend who is transitioning from the night and weekend artist to full time. He has been doing it for years, and is very artistic in all different respects. He just started at a shop called Sugar Shack Canvas & Ink. It is ok, I meet the owner and BS with him for a while. He is a cool...
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I have been pretty board as of late. Dreary ass weather is not helping. I am a creature of habit, and I found out yesterday that my bartender is hanging it up. She has been part of my life for six years now, come in a couple of times a week just to see her smiling face. Like I told her it has been a
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It is official, 2013 blew donkey balls. I will not miss it. I will ring in the new year sitting here solo trying my best to kill my liver and my lungs. Best wish's going out to everyone out in SG land for the new year
Fucking about with the camera
No intro needed
Bagobolts out
Here are a couple of pictures of the poopers during the holidays
Dogs huddling around the heater in the garage
I have no new and exciting photo's. I have not shot anything since I have come back from thanksgiving. My current car situation prevents me from just loading up and going to some location. I can load some gear on the bike, but I am
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Had a great holiday. Had some good food and a shitton of alcohol. You can't get my family together without booze flowing like a river
Hung with the fam. Saturday went downtown to check out my friends gallery, it turned out well. He is a amazing photographer. Luckily he was there and the fam chatted him up, I swear my mother can get on a
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Had another hella week. Spent most of the week recovering from the weekend. Went to a party saturday night. Last weekend is one of my favorite weeks of the year on this plastic island. The week of the car show. I have to say this island knows how to put on a event. Took pictures at the party and the show, but have yet to
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Coming to you from sunny S.C.
So I have had a chance to run around the site. I somewhat like it. I still like the old SG. Hay what are you going to do. They are still working out the bugs, which is to be expected. So this is the new digs.
Lets see if I can work the embedding, because I love my videos
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